Expert opinion is divided on how effective riots can be on causing social change. However, these five examples show they can do something.
Trump is #45 but Pence is #48 – and other strange consequences of the curious office of vice president.
Numerous U.S. Presidents invoked the Insurrection Act to to quell race and labor riots.
That’s not frankincense you smell at the “holy of the holies.”
To get a sense of faraway places, these ‘atlases’ let the locals give you their perspective.
Inbreeding leads to a problematically small gene pool.
We’d like to think that judging people’s worth based on the shape of their head is a practice that’s behind us.
And after these 10 surprising maps, the Alpine republic will never look the same again.
A study by UK archaeologists finds that longbows caused horrific injuries similar to modern gunshot wounds.
New analysis of Apollo 17 sample reveals clues to the Moon’s violent history.
On May 4, 1970, the National Guard shot and killed four students during an anti-war protest. The massacre went on to change American culture forever.
The visual languages of comics and graphic novels are great exercise for developing brains.
U.S. Army maps show how Western and Eastern Fronts met by May 1, 1945.
Many of the bathrooms uncovered at Pompeii and elsewhere were communal.
The best and worst of yesterday has created the economy of today.
7 min
The associations of civil society give us freedom to find systems that meet our needs.
8 min
More than 30 essays on the subject “Why I became a Nazi” written by German women in 1934 have been lying fallow in the archives.
He’s also credited by some as having coined the phrase “user-friendly.”
Some Americans are fearful of government control and awash in conspiracy theories.
How did the Antarctic explorers survive tedium in the early 1900s?
Scientists discovered footprints made by some of the largest creatures ever to walk the Earth.
A new finding suggests Neanderthals were far from the big dumb brutes we make them out to be.
The ability to interact peacefully and voluntarily provides individuals a better quality of life.
5 min
The costs of prohibition are great, but can people be trusted to make the best decisions for themselves?
6 min
Strange bone circles made from mammoths revealed clues about how ancient communities survived Europe’s last ice age.
Half a billion people were infected.
Ever had trouble finding reason to get out of bed? Marcus Aurelius has some advice for you.
Edinburgh University project geo-locates victims of Scottish ‘witch-prickers’ in the 16th and 17th century.
Winston Churchill had a secret army, and bunkers like this would have hidden them during a German invasion.
In classical liberal philosophy, individual pursuit of happiness is made possible by a framework of law.