Scientists discover burrows of giant predator worms that lived on the seafloor 20 million years ago.
User-driven sites lead to user-based bias.
Scientists use new methods to discover what’s inside drug containers used by ancient Mayan people.
Archaeologists discover a cave painting of a wild pig that is now the world’s oldest dated work of representational art.
The Persian polymath and philosopher of the Islamic Golden Age teaches us about self-awareness.
Take a journey through the maze of interpretations of one of the most famous paintings in history.
For the Iroquois, it was a type of military training and a way to honor the gods.
Two new studies shed light on who first inhabited the islands, who replaced them, and how few people lived there.
Three decades after the demise of the GDR, its familiar contours keep coming back from the dead.
An archaeologist considers the history and biology of what defines a taste of home.
“The function of private media is to make money for the people who own the media. It is a business,” Sanders said.
Map shows oldest buildings for each U.S. state – but also hints at what’s missing.
The 2020 election cycle is not yet as wild as the 1876 election that made Rutherford B. Hayes president.
Carbon dating allows us to know exactly when ice was melted for drinking water in pre-Columbian America.
The pieces don’t represent an army, they stand in for the Western social order.
A new study shows that at least one long-ago journey would have required deliberate navigation.
Apple sold its first iPod in 2001, and six years later it introduced the iPhone, which ushered in a new era of personal technology.
The rites we give to the dead help us understand what it takes to go on living.
The unfamiliar landscape of America’s medical past is marked by bizarre incidents, forgotten breakthroughs and selfless sacrifice.
In “The Immortality Key,” Brian Muraresku speculates that the Eucharist could have once been more colorful.
The bubonic plague ravaged the world for centuries, killing up to 200 million people.
Christmas was banned in 1647 and rebellions broke out across the country.
It was a concept borrowed from the Iroquois, and one that America never quite mastered.
6 min
Recent American presidents have all faced a crisis of legitimacy in a trend that threatens the health of our democracy.
‘Critical Tourist Map of Oslo’ offers uniquely dark perspective on Norway’s capital.
To war is human – and Neanderthals were very like us.
A new study tracks the human-dog relationship through DNA.
Monopolies wield an immense amount of economic and political power and influence. So what can we do to make the economy more equitable?
5 min
The negative associations of introversion help to explain why loneliness now carries such social stigma.
How can we learn from the lessons of the past and build a better future?