If antimatter falls up instead of down, countless sci-fi dreams will become scientific reality. One of the most astonishing facts about science is how universally applicable the laws of nature […]
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Disney has plans to make the Star Wars galaxy the setting for the widespread introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality to the public at large.
Humans have way more than five senses, and if you include the animal kingdom there even more still.
A primer on the amazing possibilities of mixed reality, augmented reality, and virtual reality technology.
Gender studies are leaving the college halls and heading into the lab. Increasingly, there have been more rigorous studies into how transgender people neurologically relate to the sex they identify with rather than their biological sex.
The answer has nothing at all to do with the Higgs boson. In this Universe, there are very few fundamental properties that cannot be derived from something simpler. The rules governing […]
A set of new studies that used large-scale computer simulations found that life might be more common throughout other universes than previously thought.
The brightest galaxies of all neither have the most stars nor the biggest black holes. Here’s how to solve the mystery. With some 400 billion stars burning steadily, the Milky Way […]
This year’s prize represents not just a single example of brilliant work, but generations of advancements that led to it. Every year, the most prestigious prize in the most fundamental of […]
Ever recognize the repeating patterns of nature? There’s a theory for that.
With tax season in full swing, how much money can you get back from the government? Would it be fairer if everyone paid the same rate?
A color you’ll never find in a star is responsible for the universal color of star-forming regions. If you look through a telescope’s eyepiece, distant galaxies always appears white. Spiral-shaped […]
Lasers, mirrors, and computational advances can all work together to push ground-based astronomy past even the limits of Hubble. One of the most profoundly remarkable properties about our atmosphere is that […]
Dark matter feels fake. MOND sounds plausible. What should you conclude? Imagine I told you that everything you ever saw, touched, or experienced — in this world and in the Universe beyond — was […]
These cosmic behemoths were enormous from very early times. Here’s how they came to be. One of the biggest challenges for modern astrophysics is to describe how the Universe went from […]
Space may be enormous, but collisions are inevitable. Here’s what happens when they occur. The Universe as we know it has been around for nearly 14 billion years: plenty of time […]
Scientists are developing liquid metal or “electric blood” that can move and form 2D shapes. This may revolutionize the field of soft robotics.
Imagine looking at one saturated pixel for years on end, and somehow learning what worlds live around it. That’s what science is for! When you think of what’s out there in […]
Did you hear the story about how a 100 petawatt laser will finally ‘break the quantum vacuum’? Get the facts. Empty space, as it turns out, isn’t so empty. The fluctuations […]
With every second that goes by, tens of thousands of star disappear from our reach. And it’s getting worse. It’s been nearly a century since scientists first theorized that the Universe […]
The accelerated expansion of the Universe is one of the greatest puzzles today. Could this out-of-the-box idea explain it without dark energy? When it comes to our quest to understand the […]
And super-Earth, mini-Neptunes, and super-Jupiters aren’t among them. You’ll be surprised to learn why. Just 30 years ago, if you had asked an astronomer if there were planets around other stars […]
As the Event Horizon Telescope prepares to release its first results, we can expect not just one, but two black hole images. What does a black hole actually look like? For […]
As we’ve come to expect, conspiracy theorists and fringe Christian evangelicals are heralding the July 27 blood moon as a sign of the imminent apocalypse. But what is the blood moon prophecy, and why does it appeal to a certain type of believer?
They may have arisen less than 200 million years after the Big Bang, but the Universe was a very different place back then. When you look out beyond the Milky Way […]
Can we make progress in a world in which we don’t trust our institutions?
In the quantum world of the unstable, even identical particles don’t have identical masses. In the microscopic world of the quantum particle, there are certain rules that are wholly unfamiliar […]
Want to learn about philosophy but don’t know where to begin? We can help.
We’re taught that the most massive stars in the Universe all die in supernovae. We were taught wrong. Create a star that’s massive enough, and it won’t go out with a […]
With 2017 drawing to a close, many organizations are taking the time to think about how they can improve in 2018. Often, solutions are around finding ways to make the […]