And why, even at its faintest, it always outshines every other star and planet. If you’ve been looking to the west after sunset recently, you may have noticed that there’s one […]
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You searched for: ice
If a large asteroid strikes Earth, it has the potential to release an enormous amount of energy, leading to local or even global catastrophes. The strike that led to the […]
Planets are either rocky, like Earth, or gas-rich, like Neptune, with no in-between. What are the different types of planets that exist in the Universe? If all you could see […]
Methane is 80 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Since the late 1800s, what we know has advanced light years ahead.
Perspective twisting books on biology, social science, medical science, cosmology, and tech.
The ultimate lesson from Dr. Birx is one we should never, ever repeat. About a year ago, as the world experienced the deadly “first wave” associated with the coronavirus pandemic, many […]
If you want to find life in the Universe, this is how you do it. When it comes to uncovering the ultimate truths about reality, we can only reap what we […]
One silver lining of the pandemic: The value of common sense, facts and rational decisions increases.
It’s true that we have a thermodynamic arrow of time, and entropy always increases. But that can’t explain what we perceive. One of the enormous conceptual ideas that came along […]
New research proposes possible origins of the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua.
For northern hemisphere skywatchers, it might just be the century’s best comet so far. Every once in a while, large, icy objects pass through the inner Solar System. C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) […]
2019 offers an outstanding selection of books, accessories, and much more for the science-lover in your life! With each passing year, a whole slew of new scientific discoveries, refinements, and improvements […]
Solid, liquid, and gas are the three everyone learns. Plasma is the fourth. But there are two more, and they’re fascinating. How many states of matter are there? When you […]
Google’s “Year in Search 2020” results reveal a year when “why” was searched more than ever.
New research suggests the ocean current that delivers warm water to Europe has a one-in-six chance of halting temporarily over the next hundred years, potentially resulting in freezing temperatures.
Is there life beyond Earth, even in our Solar System? This mission might be humanity’s best hope of finding it. The biggest question facing humanity might be, “Does life exists beyond […]
“People are not commodities!” said Assemblyman Rob Bonta.
Normally, the landscape in this photo would be a white ice sheet.
The ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are remnants of the ice age. They’re also the wild cards of climate science.
5 min
Rest assured: Kooky ideas like the Earth being flat or vaccines causing autism are nothing new. Humanity has had worse ideas before.
American homes are big and polluting. Here’s how to fix that.
Researchers discover government agencies use facial recognition software on photos from local DMVs.
Thou shalt not conclude “aliens” from insufficient data. When it comes to what’s out there in this Universe, perhaps the only thing that’s greater than our cosmic ignorance is the […]
According to researchers at Washington State University, the answer is yes.
When it comes time for humanity to pick a new home, where will we go?
The TRUTHS mission aims to collect extremely precise data on how much radiation Earth absorbs and reflects.
What makes Uranus and Neptune-like worlds so fascinating? If you only knew. What do we really know, and what mysteries are left to solve, about the outer worlds of our Solar […]
There are clues to the future and past trapped in Greenland’s ice.
11 min
Maps show the oldest company in (nearly) every country – and a few interesting corporate trends.