Combining nanotechnology of two different varieties might be the game-changer we’ve always dreamed of. For as long as human beings have been writing about fantasy, myth, and science fiction, the dream […]
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You searched for: energy
Australian scientists discover how complex life first appeared on Earth – one of the “greatest mysteries of science”.
New study says extroverts are more fatigued over time from social interaction than introverts.
The story of the 1920 law holding up relief efforts in Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria.
On September 1, launched a $2.5 million project called “Open Exploration of Vertebrate Diversity in 3D” or as many scientists know it – the “scan-all-vertebrates” project. Sponsored by the National Science […]
Philosophers aren’t known for their love lives, but a few have managed to be tragic romantics anyway.
Falling into a black hole is forever… but could a tether to the outside pull you back out? “Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.” –Alfred A. […]
The science of volcanic lighting is almost as spectacular as the phenomenon itself. When hot, molten rock pushes its way up through the Earth’s crust and exits through to the […]
Quantum interpretations are all the rage. Too bad you don’t even need one. In everyday life, there are certain rules we take for granted: cause-and-effect, for instance. Something occurs, and that […]
The hole in the ozone is shrinking, for sure, but to assess the whole layer, you need to look at the whole Earth. Throughout the history of life on Earth, there’s […]
You lose whether you use protons or electrons in your collider, for different reasons. Could the unstable muon solve both problems? “It does not matter how slowly you go as […]
The neutron star-neutron star merger was initially only seen in 1 detector out of 3. Here’s how scientists didn’t let it slip away. On August 17th, 2017, a gravitational wave event […]
Breakfast is often cupcakes and cake with different names, like muffins and yogurt. That does not bode well for our waistlines.
One of inflation’s co-founders lashes out against the community. But is there a scientific leg to stand on? “…an understanding of the infinite tree of universes seems to be needed in […]
From a Universe that went no bigger than our Milky Way to the trillions of galaxies in our expanding Universe, our knowledge increased one step at a time. “Gamow was fantastic […]
Gravitational waves and electromagnetic ones don’t need to go together. But physics says it’s possible; what do the observations say? “The black holes collide in complete darkness. None of the […]
Though it looks promising, there are some issues to work out before it becomes widespread.
More massive is bigger, less massive is smaller, right? That’s not even half the story. “Billions of years from now our sun, then a distended red giant star, will have reduced […]
AI is capable of self-reproduction—should humans be worried?
6 min
IFLS might be fun for the armchair enthusiast, but couldn’t you have at least consulted an expert? “You were always a good officer. Until you weren’t.”–Saru, from Star Trek: Discovery With […]
When we think about a long-term solution to our energy needs, none of today’s options are this good. “I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source. It would […]
An anthropologist and a theologian walk into a room. The punchline is wise and wonderful.
Is “alloparenting” the end of family as we know it?
The 20th century held some incredible advances across all the science. But astrophysics’ best days are yet to come. “When we have found how the nucleus of atoms is built up […]
If you have a choice between “known astrophysical objects” and “new physics,” bet on the known. “Two recent studies by teams in the U.S. and the Netherlands have shown that the […]
99 years ago, General Relativity was still unproven. During the 1918 eclipse, a small team of Americans almost changed that. “Astronomers are greatly disappointed when, having traveled halfway around the world […]
Aiming for the nearest star would necessitate a whole slew of advances. Even if the mission fails, humanity wins by investing in itself. There have been some magnificent moments in NASA […]
Is life worse or better than non-existence? And if it is, who is judging? Welcome to anti-natalism, a small but lively corner of philosophy.
“Buddhist psychology and Western psychotherapy both hold out hope for a more flexible ego, one that does not pit the individual against everyone else in a futile attempt to gain total surety.”
Five independent images point to an incredible, single story, but the mystery of how it was created still remains. “The origin and evolution of life are connected in the most intimate […]