A longtime debate over Buddhism’s religiosity has drawn a line between metaphysics and action.
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Sure we know it would be bad, but what do all of these scary numbers really mean?
The mathematician and codebreaker invented a water filter that only just got build recently. Could it make the ocean’s drinkable?
In the aftermath of everything we’ve learned about what’s in the Universe, we can make much better estimates of how many alien civilizations are out there. In 1961, scientist Frank Drake […]
Our brains are famously flexible, or “plastic,” because neurons can do new things by forging new or stronger connections with other neurons. But how, exactly, does it do that?
The acting giant talks about how those in the corporate and business worlds could take a page from artists… simply by embracing a reward system not rooted in hard metrics.
5 min
Does everybody really need to work? What three philosophers have to say about our dedication to finding everybody a job.
A controversial article from Forbes argues that libraries, once an important public resource, are outdated, costly and should be replaced by Amazon book stores.
MRIs reveal the human brain has its own lymphatic system after all.
After examining thousands of diabetes patients, researchers in Finland and Sweden identified five distinct categories of diabetes.
While today profuse sweating is a social embarrassment, in the past it gave us an evolutionary advantage.
With huge suites of data, we can extract plenty of signals where we know to look for them. Everything else? That’s where AI comes in. At the dawn of the 20th […]
Why is only 10% of the population left-handed? There are a few new scientific clues pointing to the answer.
Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former senior aide to President Donald Trump, says she’s recorded multiple secret audio tapes at the White House, including one of her firing by Chief of Staff John Kelly.
The impact of this research could help save millions of lives each year. Only thing is, it has to be done from space.
Three great things all align this August, making the Perseids a can’t-miss show. Here’s how to take advantage. When it comes to meteor showers, we have these dazzling pictures in […]
Inventor Nikola Tesla’s work at Niagara Falls may be his most direct and lasting contribution to our lives.
Strong interpersonal skills are the “soft skills” that help us successfully live, work, collaborate, and exist with others. Professionals with strong interpersonal skills hone these capabilities through daily practice and […]
Scientists have replicated Albert Einstein’s spooky action at a distance on a massive scale—well, for the quantum world, anyway.
When two different techniques give two different results, either someone is wrong, or something incredible is happening. Imagine you were a scientist attempting to measure some property of the Universe. […]
Stephen Hawking’s final paper is all about the multiverse, quantum relativity, string theory, relativity and more.
There’s nothing new, recent, or remarkable about it. It’s just a typical cosmic pebble in the galactic ocean. Last year, the interstellar interloper ʻOumuamua passed through the inner Solar System. Originally […]
A new study compares the psychedelic DMT with near-death experiences.
A perspective from Brother Guy Consolmagno, astronomer and theologian.
Culture determines how mental illness or aberrant mental behavior is viewed and dealt with.
But there were some serious oversights.
Elon Musk and SpaceX plan an “internet in space” consisting of 11,295 satellites that are about to begin launching.
The capabilities on this thing are both impressive and worrisome.
Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union created secret cities to house the scientists working in their nuclear weapons programs. Both nations went about this in very different ways and with very different, sometimes disastrous, results.
A new study shows that teenagers are increasingly experimenting with marijuana before beer or cigarettes. Is that a good thing?