The legacy of Felix Dzerzhinsky, who led Soviet secret police in the “Red Terror,” still confounds Russia.
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Reliability and innovation are the twin pillars of survival for any business. But it’s the rare company that’s willing and able to commit to rediscovering the leading edge on a […]
We know a lot about what else is out there, but we still don’t know everything. In the quest for life in the Universe, it makes sense to look at […]
The flying rotorcraft drone is set to land on Saturn’s largest moon in 2034.
A new method of measuring human exposure to the potentially toxic chemical calls into question regulatory policy.
Yes, we’d all die. But for 21 minutes, we’d have the ride of a lifetime. One of the most remarkable facts about the Universe is this: in the absence of […]
Can the American government stop coronavirus spread? Its past actions speak volumes.
Even if automation makes human trafficking economically inefficient, that alone won’t end this unethical practice.
Is the way we hear music biological or cultural?
You’d have to throw out a lot of known physics for this to even be a possibility. Here’s why. It’s an undeniable scientific fact that dark matter must exist in order […]
The inventor Nikola Tesla’s esoteric beliefs included unusual theories about the Egyptian pyramids.
It’s absolutely true that atoms are mostly empty space. But removing even that empty space is impossible, and this is why. If you were to take any object in the Universe […]
Social distancing won’t be easy, but science shows us how to make it more manageable.
A new device shows promising results in its ability to convert CO2 and water into useful fuels.
When you hear ‘quantum,’ you probably think of splitting everything into discrete, indivisible chunks. That’s not necessarily right. If you want to learn what the Universe is made out of […]
The country’s paperless system serves as a model to other nations.
None of us know where this is heading, but we can still learn from the moment.
Some have suggested that there is no hidden giant out there.
Most of us know not to procrastinate. And yet, between 80 and 95 percent of college students procrastinate on their schoolwork. As we grow older and (theoretically) more mature, we […]
The key to Finland’s success is to view education not as a privilege, but a right.
Charity and volunteering not only benefit the recipient but help you become happier and healthier in the new year.
Determining whether human nature is short-sighted when it comes to survival-necessary situations
The technology is poised to change how many companies operate.
8 min
It has already found several bizarre planets outside of our solar system.
Recent research estimates that the growth of emissions slowed down to 0.6 percent in 2019. However, this still means that humans released more CO2 into the atmosphere in 2019 than in any other year.
What factors explain the gender pay gap?
Zizek is on the left and dislikes political correctness. How does that work out?
New research on ankle exoskeletons show promising results.
It’s not just for Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars. Not even close. Shortly after Earth first formed first formed, life quickly took hold, thriving ever since. Both reflected sunlight on a […]