Two Apollo 11 astronauts question NASA’s planetary safety procedures.
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The racing plane is hoped to be the fastest electric plane in existence.
General Relativity has nothing to do with light or electromagnetism at all. So how to gravitational waves know to travel at the speed of light? There are two fundamental classes of […]
We know he is on the left, but why? And how left is left anyhow?
Nematodes demonstrate that neurons can influence offspring’s genetics.
How the phenomenon of time dilation became very real to me … at a monastery.
Technology holds the promise of a better future, but our footprint on the planet threatens to undo all our dreams and progress. It’s pretty easy to look at the world […]
A new study provides strong evidence that chronic fatigue syndrome is linked to abnormal reactions in the immune system.
What subjects and ideas do you discuss with your friends when you see them?
The future of food sounds bleak, but it doesn’t need to be this way.
Have you ever found yourself so engrossed in your work that, hours later, you’ve been shocked to discover you’ve missed your lunch break? Maybe you’ve had a conversation with a […]
Cancer’s sweet tooth. Turning cancer cells into fat. Unveiling genetic secrets. Scientists are learning about cancer every day.
The NASA probe has ventured beyond our solar system.
Researchers develop a novel method to measure gravity that can get much more information.
Can dirt help us fight off stress? Groundbreaking new research shows how.
After his breakout performance as Breaking Bad’s Walter White — and after playing dad Hal in Malcolm in the Middle — it might seem that Bryan Cranston’s always been as […]
Our Universe cannot be described by normal matter alone. Vera Rubin’s work led the way. Ask an astrophysicist what our Universe is made of, and you’ll likely receive a shocking surprise. […]
It’s fundamentally different from space. Here’s how. Here’s a question that most of us have been asked at some point in our lives, “what’s the shortest distance between two points?” By […]
It contains more water than all the Great Lakes combined, and the science of our planet explains why. Although practically all of Earth’s human population lives on dry land, our surface […]
Dark matter is perhaps the most mysterious substance in the Universe. What exactly it is, however, still eludes us. Dark matter is one of the most mysterious and yet most ubiquitous […]
In 2017, researchers believed they had found evidence for the elusive Majorana fermion. Now, a new study found that the exotic class of particles may still be confined to theory.
In 2018, The New York Times published a comprehensive expose on the burgeoning crypto movement that detailed the luxurious lives of the newly crypto rich. The article, aptly titled, “Everyone […]
For now, artificial intelligence is nothing to fear. But as it rapidly develops in the years ahead?
If we ruin the night sky too severely, ground-based astronomy could suffer tremendously. Here’s why space is no replacement. There is an existential threat to astronomy as we know it, […]
Scientists exploring human neurons directly learn some remarkable things.
Is obsessive shopping a compulsion, an addiction, or both?
Many deserving potential awardees were snubbed by the Nobel committee. But this takes the cake. Every October, the Nobel foundation awards prizes celebrating the greatest advances in numerous scientific fields. Alfred […]