Why should we rely on scientific conclusions even though they cannot be proven? A new essay offers compelling reasons.
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Research reminds us that mild cognitive impairment isn’t necessarily a prelude to dementia.
If you want to understand what the Universe is, how it began, evolved, and will eventually end, astrophysics is the only way to go.
With a new telescope on the horizon, we reflect on the best pictures of space that came before.
“Don’t tread on me” is a slogan of the deep sea, too.
A simple trick allowed marine biologists to prove a long-held suspicion.
The early colonists thought they were being pulled by God into a void left by plague.
A 2017 University of Wisconsin-Madison study was the first of it’s kind to show structural differences in the psychopathic brain.
History is not the story of great people directing the course of the world. It’s about networks. Sure, great people may have had an outsized pull on certain events. But […]
An analysis of the gravitational wave data from black hole mergers show that the event horizon area, and entropy, always increases.
Inequality in wealth, gender, and race grew to unprecedented levels across the world, according to OxFam report.
Using atoms to probe the Universe reveals the complete Standard Model. If you wanted to uncover the secrets of the Universe for yourself, all you’d have to do is interrogate […]
Roughly the size of a thumbnail, this newly discovered toadlet has some anatomical surprises.
Movie soundtracks don’t just help us recall the plot of a film; they also allow us to better understand its meaning.
With two different black hole event horizons now directly imaged, we can see that they are, in fact, rings, not disks. But why?
How can we understand mysterious planets like Jupiter? Use giant lasers!
Ever since the start of the hot Big Bang, time ticks forward as the Universe expands. But could time ever run backward, instead?
Searching for dark matter, the XENON collaboration found absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Here’s why that’s an extraordinary feat.
You can’t control external threats, but you can manage how you prepare and respond to the risk.
A new study proposes that Hawking radiation could be used to find dark matter in places like primordial black holes.
Asking science to determine what happened before time began is like asking, “Who were you before you were born?”
We take for granted that time is real. But what if it’s only an illusion, and a relative illusion at that? Does time even exist?
Six visionary science fiction authors on the social impact of their work.
The quadratic formula isn’t just something that teachers use to torture algebra students. The Babylonians once used it to calculate taxes.
Remedies must honor the complex social dynamics of adolescence.
The Swedish Academy honored the writer for his uncompromising inquiry into the lasting consequences of Africa’s colonization.
Even though the leftover glow from the Big Bang creates a bath of radiation at only 2.725 K, some places in the Universe get even colder.
Evolution proves to be just about as ingenious as Nikola Tesla
“The function of private media is to make money for the people who own the media. It is a business,” Sanders said.