‘Luck’ is the wrong word. The Universe cooperated, but we gave ourselves the opportunity by being prepared. It was already 28 years ago that the Hubble Space Telescope was launched […]
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You searched for: Robert M
DST has implications on our history, our health, and even our chances of being the victim of a crime.
A new startup has a method for preserving a brain’s memories when it’s frozen for future uploading.
The possibilities were almost limitless, so why does everything line up? Our Solar System is an orderly place, with the four inner planets, the asteroid belt, and the gas giant worlds […]
In honor of St. Patrick’s day and Women’s History Month, we present 10 Irish American women who changed the world in their own way.
There are few more powerful positions than being a Supreme Court justice, yet the female justices are just like other women: talked over by their male colleagues.
There’s no way to frame this as anything other than a disaster for humanity. This article was originally written one week ago, on the day the FY2019 budget was released […]
From the birth and deaths of stars to the largest structures in the Universe, Hubble shows us what we’d never see otherwise. When it comes to the Universe itself, perhaps […]
Your mindset can rewind aging, physically and mentally, as these jaw-dropping experiments show.
The Universe may defy our intuition, but that’s what science is for! If you take a look out at the Universe, and in every direction you look, you see objects rushing […]
Why not just put your detectors in place of a giant mirror? “Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.” –Yousuf […]
This season of Game of Thrones has been especially political, and episode 7 relates to the social and political climate of the U.S. like never before.
In the US Army, taking a knee has a special connotation.
A new report suggests Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana might be reducing opioid deaths in the state.
First step: recognizing it’s a continual process, says Robert Wright in his new book, Why Buddhism is True.
We compiled a list of seven of the greatest public speakers of all time, people who forever changed the course of history with their words.
This could end the days of suffering through cancer treatment.
With 2017 entering its final quarter, many organizations are rushing to prepare for the new year. Getting a solid plan in place for the upcoming year can make an enormous […]
Researchers are looking for, and finding, effective methods for dealing with pain that don’t require drugs.
Psychology professor Jean M Twenge argues that teens are suffering elevated levels of depression and loneliness, and their phones are to blame.
It’s a fascinating idea, but how does it fare as a scientific theory? “Something is happening here and this is going to have an impact.” –Robert Dijkgraaf, on Verlinde’s work The […]
If you don’t learn this one lesson, you’ll not only never be good at science, you’ll never learn anything new. “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong […]
Among other things, researchers found that there are two subgroups of the Alt-Right, but that the more economically motivated members may buy into White Supremacy over time.
From its symbolism within the Seven Kingdoms, to its political allegory for all of us beyond it, the season seven finale is an epic set-up for the final showdown.
Every star must eventually run out of fuel and die… but did you know the galaxy itself will come to an end someday? “Unless one says goodbye to what one loves, […]
Apparently, Einstein shared a similar outlook on time as what’s proposed here.
How many calories are in human anyway?
You know what a black hole is, and we’ve found a few so far. But oh, are there ever so many more out there! “Black holes are the seductive dragons of […]
There is one essential ingredient missing, argues historian Yuval Noah Harari.
But that’s okay; the most likely world for life may not be like Earth, after all. “You can spend too much time wondering which of identical twins is the more alike.” […]