If tattoos had always been as popular as they are today, here is what Charles Darwin, Henry V, Lord Nelson, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama might have inked.
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Did you know the Metro to Embarcadero Station passes through a buried Gold Rush ship?
Donald Trump’s savvy Twitter campaign is helping him win the presidential nomination.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, even if “science” is in the title. “Youth always tries to fill the void, an old man learns to live with it.” –Mark Z. […]
Resolved to be more cultured in 2016? Try these art and music pairings to learn to savor more of both.
Most of you know that we run a Patreon campaign for Starts With A Bang, enabling us to bring you the best content in the Universe, ad-free, here on Medium. […]
These findings are extremely helpful.
These kids are living on the edge, keeping their struggle on the DL. Here’s what we can do to help.
Knowing how to code becomes the next phase of literacy.
In times of emergency, many of us reach for our phones. They are vital to the safety and security of our families, friends, and colleagues.
An incredible live-blog of an incredible event. “It’s becoming clear that in a sense the cosmos provides the only laboratory where sufficiently extreme conditions are ever achieved to test new […]
And how close does the farthest one we’ve ever found so far come to it? “Science, however, gives me the feeling of steady progress: I am convinced that theoretical physics […]
It was a dark and stormy night when a car accident was prevented by very cool technology.
The stars, gas, nebulae and dust in our galactic plane make it impossible to see through. But there are other forms of light. “Vision is the art of seeing what is […]
Questioning the power of individual choice.
Thanksgiving has come and gone, but the universal story of us all is with us every day. “We live in an atmosphere of shame. We are ashamed of everything that is […]
Vancouverites are in full revolt over outrageous housing costs and the foreign investors behind North America’s biggest bubble.
Carly Fiorina is rising in the polls and raising Donald Trump’s ire, likely resulting in a Rock-Em-Sock-Em Robot Edition of the GOP debates.
The cologne marketed to men as “catnip for women” actually works. Only, not on women, but on jungle cats. “The impact of an attacking tiger can be compared to that […]
Looks like the inner planets formed *after* the gas giants moved to their current position, and Jupiter ejected a fifth giant, too! “The stars look the same from night to […]
The scattered toponyms that delight us by their unvarnished expression of downheartedness, defeat and despond.
The first injury accident involving a Google self-driving car was — surprise, surprise — the fault of an oblivious driver in the other vehicle. Self-driving technology offers a potential future where these sorts of incidents hardly ever occur.
Four billion years ago, the Universe was a different place. What would we have seen? “In such moments, offering up his heart at the hour when the flowers of night […]
Travel around the world in half an hour, with time to spare for an ice cream.
That picture of you at the Royal Observatory astride the Greenwich Meridian? It’s a lie.
Throwback Thursday: How Dark Matter’s #1 Competitor Died The only way out is to modify the laws of gravity, and our best observations rule those modifications out. “The discrepancy between […]
To mark the centennial of Trappist monk, poet, theologian, and social activist Thomas Merton’s birth, a new exhibition focuses on his photography and how those photos are not just images to contemplate, but also ways of Zen contemplation.
We know that Einstein’s general relativity is superior to Newton’s gravity, but where did Newton go wrong? “To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or […]
When everything passes away, what will be left? “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of […]
After reading Mike Slosberg’s gripping page-turner, you will never again view the idealistic process of adoption in quite the same light.