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You searched for: Big Think
First of a 3-part series about future technologies and their role in human flourishing.
True innovation and design thinking do not necessarily originate only with the sequestered brain trust of a “skunkworks” research & development style team. Instead, it is the productive combination of […]
Practicing mindfulness in the workplace is taking businesses and organizations around the world by storm. While some practice mindfulness techniques, others are more involved in the discipline of mindfulness meditation.
We look at the most common New Year’s resolutions and get expert advice to help you check them off 2019’s to-do list.
The moral bankruptcy of the European Union, the backlash against Steven Pinker’s defense of progress, and where we go from here.
Entrepreneurs and innovative businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to leverage existing technology or create an entirely new product or service market. In this way, innovation and […]
Biographies, treatises and stories on the occult and its strange cast of characters.
Hanging out with a bat vs. being a bat. Why ‘titanic’ artists are too big to float. Bob Dylan’s very worst song, and more.
Ruinophilia. The science of loneliness. Live at UntitledTown Book and Author Festival, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Flat Earth theory has enjoyed staying power since at least the 19th century despite being patently untrue. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the late Carl Sagan, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and other big thinkers will show you how to disprove this bad idea, all without having to take a journey into space.
The images themselves will take your breath away, but the science we can extract from them is truly revolutionary and spectacular. Dark matter may be one of the most mysterious […]
The study was small: 8 people from 8 different countries. But the findings have alarmed scientists.
If you have a strong imagination, this won’t help you with academic study.
There are many areas of society and business that need creative solutions — where we need new ideas or new ways of doing old things. Coming up with innovative ideas […]
If you think it expanded faster than light-speed, you need to read this. If the Universe is 13.8 billion years old, and the speed of light is truly our cosmic speed […]
A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a […]
Dark matter, dark energy, inflation and the Big Bang are real, and the alternatives all fail spectacularly. If you keep up with the latest science news, you’re probably familiar with […]
Average waiting time for hitchhikers in Ireland: Less than 30 minutes. In southern Spain: More than 90 minutes.
At 18 percent of the population, Hispanics account for 67.2 percent of U.S. net homeownership gains.
And if they exist, are there alternate-reality versions of you out there, too? You’ve likely imagined it before: another Universe out there, just like this one, where all the random events […]
A one-on-one conversation is a valuable opportunity to connect with someone and to benefit from what they have to say. Unfortunately, these chats tend to happen in the middle of […]
As soon as you start thinking about energy and gravity, you’ll realize the need to go beyond it. When it comes to a science like physics, theoretical expectations must always be […]
Maura O’Connor discusses her new book, Wayfinding: The Science and Mystery of How Humans Navigate the World.
The Sun will eventually become a red giant star, swallowing Mercury and Venus in the process. But what will happen to Earth? There are a few existential questions we can ask […]
Terraforming Mars. Beaming your consciousness to Alpha Centauri. It’s the end of the world as we know it, and Dr. Kaku feels fine.
Why? Because you have more cells, the researchers say.