This week is Children’s Book Week. In honor of the event, I thought that I’d highlight 21 interesting e-books for kids. Collectively, these give us a glimpse into what the future […]
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You searched for: Adventure
For clients willing to pay large sums, Videogame Adventure Services will construct “adventure games” which blurs real life with fictitious romances and car chases.
n Pop!Tech 2008 Visualization from Tom Wujec on Vimeo. Over at Mashable, Josh Catone has compiled a great list of the Top 7 Places to Watch Great Minds in Action. […]
In the beginning, God separated the light from the darkness, and it was good. Growing up a Bible-thumping, Southern-bred, segregation-approving Fundamentalist, Barry Moser became a licensed Methodist minister at the […]
Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year is smart. Not just because of his last name, but because he started a blog to chronicle his adventures. What a great idea. He’s off […]
On the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, venture capitalist and tech visionary Esther Dyson weighs in on the emergence of new aviation and commercial space start-ups and explains […]
The next great billion-dollar concept on the Web might just involve airbed mattresses, second-hand couches and the ability to swap and share local accommodations on a global scale. A group […]
GUEST POST BY JASON SILVA The spectacular think tank and apparel company The Imaginary Foundation states that “To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns”. This seemingly simple sentence is actually utterly profound: what it […]
Have you ever had an innovative business idea and wondered whether Google would be interested? Usually, this doesn’t go much further than a simple blog entry or a comment left […]
Performance art usually receives condescending smirks in the United States as the last kid picked for the cultural game of kickball. With Charlie Sheen’s big adventure, however, maybe performance art has finally come to the colonies.
The Hybrid Reality Institute recently announced Data, a robot actor and celebrity, has joined the Institute as a Fellow, making it the highest ranking non-human entity to join a think tank.
Listen to this post! It’s a new year: a good time to reflect on my past 4+ months of blogging. It’s been quite an adventure. My learning has been exponential […]
A few days before NECC I was invited by a publicist to interview Julie Young, the Executive Director of the Florida Virtual School (FLVS), and also speak with the folks from […]
This week we are featuring the Thailand for School Leaders Program. Ten school administrators from California have ventured around the globe to lead, learn and share with an international flair. […]
You may say your dream holiday would be trekking in a rainforest or white-water rafting but new research shows most of us are less daring than we think and prefer being beach-side.
Hi everyone, If you type into your browser, you’ll see that Dangerously Irrelevant has a new home! I’m now hosted at BigThink, which is dedicated to deep thinking on […]
And not just a map: also a timeline, a literary checklist and a historiography
New data shows that the more people drink, the more they exercise. Scientists offer different explanations, such as a tendency toward a “sensation-taking lifestyle.”
This case study of Disney kicks off what I hope becomes a regular series on business innovation that I’m calling “Survival of the Most Innovative.” (an obvious reference to the […]
Last night I ran across a series of PowerPoint tips from Wendy Russell that I thought were worth sharing… 1. Start creating your presentations in widescreen format I hadn’t really […]
Where is Twin Peaks? The fictional town at the centre of the eponymous TV series isn’t too hard to pinpoint. But things aren’t so clear cut as they seem.
The quintessentially British tradition of taking a year off between high school and university is becoming popular in the U.S. where teens seek to broaden their horizons.
BIG THINK has displayed a taste of the astute social commentary of Robert Putnam–the man who was so worried that so many Americans were bowling alone. The success of the megachurch, […]
The brain-as-computer model of the mind will be replaced by an organic model, in which the brain is embodied—part of a whole, dynamic, living organism.
As part of our never-ending quest to tap into the potential of social media to enhance the practice of school administrators (and the university programs that prepare them), I am pleased […]
Innovation is built into the American way of life, says former President Jimmy Carter. “Quite often, the people who do leave their own nation and come to an unknown destination, […]
For most people, social networking consists of status updates, virtual cows, and bizarre Kanye tweets. But actor and philanthropist Edward Norton believes that social networking can truly change the world, […]
Raising money from people who are passionate about a particular cause is easy, but how do you convince those who have no connection to an issue to give their time and money?
I want to follow up on something that Greg hinted at yesterday (for those new to this blog, I used to write frequently, but got sidetracked by other things. This […]
After months of delays and preparation, the oldest remaining shuttlein the fleet–Discovery, finally made its way from the Vehicle Assembly Building at the KSC to the launch pad. At 4:53 […]