Brandon A. Weber
Contributing Writer
Brandon Weber has been writing and creating viral joy on the Innerwebz for over 7 years at Upworthy, The Progressive, Big Think, and more. His book on forgotten histories of unions, working people, veterans, and other marginalized people is available on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Powell's.
Citing increasing student debt and the desire to see more family and pediatric physicians, the school might have started a trend.
Want to go to school to learn how to mine in space? Now you can.
It’s still only in the lab at this stage, and then there’s the problem of where, exactly, to store the carbon-impregnated magnesite.
A publication from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco says that the Great Recession that happened 10 years ago will cost us all $70K over a lifetime because of lost GDP.
The short answer is that an exact copy of the website was hacked, yes. In just 10 minutes. By an 11-year-old kid.
This is an extremely rare find; only three similar fossils have been found in the world.
The Parker Solar Probe is the first time a spacecraft will ever get this close to the sun.
Global warming, the MMR vaccine, UFOs, and more are in the spotlight so far. But will it work?
“Hothouse Earth” is basically a self-sustaining engine of warming and carbon. Ummm…
This would be the end of one of the longest economic booms since the 1990 Dot Com bubble.
The Perseid meteor shower during this weekend’s new moon should be fabulous.
Charter schools and the privatization of education have an adversary in Akron. And in the NBA.
It’s all about having mature ideas about how romantic relationships work.
No, it won’t be as big as the moon, as some have claimed. Still, it will be a nice show for the next month or so.
‘Medicare for all’, also known as Single Payer Health Care, will be hotly debated this year, and more and more U.S. voters support the idea.
Exactly 65 years after the end of the Korean war, these soldiers are headed home.
A massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way and a single star did it.
If confirmed by future observations, this would be the most significant discovery of liquid water on Mars yet.
Built in a vacuum, this little dynamo is challenging the boundaries of physics.
It is projected to last for more than 100 minutes, and begins Friday July 27.
The images are being collected on a Flickr page dedicated to the Apollo missions.
It will take further study to confirm the star’s iron influx came from a planet or two, but the initial theory is quite compelling.
“We find that Trump’s anti-Muslim tweets are highly correlated with the number of anti-Muslim hate crimes, particularly where Twitter usage is high, but only after the start of his presidential campaign.”
Scientists just discovered 12 new moons orbiting the planet Jupiter, and they’re… interesting.
MeerKAT is producing brilliant images of the super massive black hole that is at our galaxy’s center.
One of the leading countries in the world in getting off coal and ramping up renewables.
It was officially closed in 2007, but has just been reopened.
When asked if she’ll be ready for the 2033 mission, she replied, “Definitely.”
The killer whale involved in the incident, Tilikum, has been involved in three deaths of humans while in captivity.
Aura will attempt to become a frequent flyer’s go-to airline.