For northern hemisphere skywatchers, it might just be the century’s best comet so far. Every once in a while, large, icy objects pass through the inner Solar System. C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) […]
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Two remarkable etymological maps show twin forces at work throughout human history.
A colliding star may have triggered the drastic transformation.
If the idea of freedom bound Camus and Sartre philosophically, then the fight for justice united them politically.
A nasty disease might not be able to travel around much longer.
These alien-like creatures are virtually invisible in the deep sea.
The Sun, as its never been seen before.
The Silicon Valley titan has promised scholarships for its tech-focused certificate courses alongside $10 million in job training grants.
5 years ago, LIGO detected our first gravitational waves here on Earth. Next decade, LISA will start seeing them from space. When it comes to gravitational waves, our terrestrial laser interferometers […]
At a very simple level, it’s nothing but physics. Here’s why you should care. It’s not very often that a physics problem becomes a politicized issue, but that’s exactly what’s happened […]
The 2020 study successfully removed memories associated with morphine from the brains of mice with very promising results.
The line between work and play has became blurred during the pandemic.
How exactly is COVID-19 affecting the opioid crisis?
Working memory is the workhorse of cognition. Having less of it has side effects.
fMRI scans show each new thing you think of as a “thought worm.”
The biggest error from ‘A Brief History of Time’ continues to misinform generations of aspiring physicists. The greatest idea of Stephen Hawking’s scientific career truly revolutionized how we think about […]
A new study shows white dwarf stars create an essential component of life.
The renowned magician recently joined Big Think CEO and cofounder Victoria Brown for a wide-ranging discussion.
Master negotiator Chris Voss breaks down how to get what you want during negotiations.
Here are 5 simple steps to creating a side hustle you can cash in on—just remember: quality should be at the heart of each step.
Unless you plan to try again in 6,800 years, this week is your shot.
We still don’t know how it came to be this way. Every once in a while, we find an object in the Universe that completely mystifies us. For generations, astronomers have […]
Studying voice recordings of infected but asymptomatic people reveals potential indicators of Covid-19.
That question is at the heart of the new documentary, “Medicating Normal.”
Educators and administrators must build new supports for faculty and student success in a world where the classroom might become virtual in the blink of an eye.
The discovery pushes back humanity’s history with domestication.
A study finds people are more influenced by what the other party says than their own. What gives?
Almost certainly not. Here’s the science of why. The Universe, as we know it, simply doesn’t add up. On the one hand, we can look out on a cosmic scale and […]
Can thinking about the past really help us create a better present and future?