A synchrotron has just unlocked the writing inside ancient Herculaneum’s incinerated scrolls.
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It seems very odd now, but one of the greatest thinkers ever, believed that we could rely on the love of math and its beauty to make us better people. Here’s why Plato thought so…
After 4th of July this past Monday, here’s the science behind how they work! “Celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small part of it.” -The Simpsons This […]
Researchers find that a compound within marijuana may potentially protect from the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
When the news media don’t do their job, comedians step in to ask the tough questions.
In light of the prison sentences of Oscar Pistorius and Lionel and Jorge Messi, we examine why athletes who commit crimes have the luxury of lighter sentencing.
Though those of the mother have been researched, the father’s biometrics are now getting a closer look.
Why Everest and the Grand Canyon are so small. Yes, SMALL! “How well I have learned that there is no fence to sit on between heaven and hell. There is a […]
A new Italian study shows that women who eat pasta are skinnier. But there’s more to the research than that.
Hash-tag capitalism, paid posts, and transparent (but not honest) sponsored captions – will this social media influencer trend ever end?
Researchers have discovered peculiarities in a baby’s immune system which might lead to the end of HIV.
Dan Pink explains how to use a couple of questions to help another person persuade themselves that you’re right.
If it’s such a light element, why are Earth’s stores of it buried beneath the surface? “I have this one little saying, when things get too heavy just call me helium, […]
Slavoj Žižek considers the pursuit of happiness to be dumb because we don’t really want it anyway.
A new study links one of the world’s most popular painkillers to an increase in autism spectrum and hyperactivity symptoms.
What narrow misses did NASA’s Juno probe face on the five-year journey to Jupiter, and it’s acrobatic slip into the orbit of our solar system’s largest planet?
It’s the ‘nightmare scenario’ for some. But for Sabine Hossenfelder, it might be a dream come true. This article was authored by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in […]
Sebastian Junger takes a big-picture look at depression, PTSD, and the importance of the tribe in his new book.
The atmosphere is on the mend, according to an article published in Science. It took almost 30 years for the ban on ozone-depleting substances to work and scientists are saying the ozone could be completely healed by the middle of the century.
Combined with Hubble, it creates our longest-baseline view. “It used to be that Pluto was a misfit. Now it turns out that Earth is the misfit. Most planets in the […]
Tesla announced it’s semi-autonomous Autopilot system was involved in its first deadly crash on May 7, 2016. This marks the first fatality involving an autonomous vehicle. However, this tragedy should not hinder progress.
Emotional hacking is real with implications toward mental health. What if this got into the wrong hands? We could be joyously enslaved without the emotional countenance to fight back.
A list debunking commonly believed falsehoods, misconceptions and just bad ideas.
The conflict between faiths is one good reason to doubt God’s existence.
There’s a small rock orbiting our planet more distant than the Moon we know. Does that mean we have two Moons? “You can be the Moon and still be jealous of […]
Most amusement parks like Disney and Six Flags pride themselves on being family friendly attractions. These parks do not.
An expansive new study makes clear the extent of the problem and the importance of parents in avoiding teen drug use.
Playing many different characters, Tony and Obie award-winner Sarah Jones responds to surprise “big ideas” in Think Again podcast’s first ever live show at NYC Podfest
It’s more than a conclusion that most scientists agree on; it’s the basis for all the science we do now! “Those who know that the consensus of many centuries has sanctioned […]
Wherein moral conundrums could determine the fate of millions — and how a psychopath might respond to them.