Memorial day is a time to remember veterans killed in the line of service. These spaceflight heroes deserve to be remembered, too.
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You searched for: David Anderson
With the right prompts, large language models can produce quality writing — and make us question the limits of human creativity.
The most celebrated genius in human history didn’t just revolutionize physics, but taught many valuable lessons about living a better life.
Revolutionary techniques for understanding brain functions in animals could soon help us understand how emotions guide our lives.
Chemical engineers have developed a way to protect transplanted drug-producing cells from immune system rejection.
The “dangerous people” framework is a myth.
Patients with lung disease could find relief by breathing in messenger RNA molecules.
Digging deeper into the mystery of the brain, soul, and consciousness.
What is the Scully Effect? It’s no coincidence that female fans of ‘The X-Files’ are inspired to choose careers in STEM fields.
Advertisers say they help with ADHD, anxiety, stress, and autism. But what do studies suggest?
Every year, companies try to do things better, to find the most effective way to complete some task or to improve overall productivity. Employee learning programs play a massive part […]
Country-shaped birthmarks also exist outside of Wes Anderson movies.
Did you know that in 2014 the top 25 hedge fund managers in the U.S. were paid a collective $11.6 billion?
In “The Numbers Game: Why Everything You Know About Soccer Is Wrong” authors Chris Anderson and David Sally begin their argument with a quote from Bill James: “In sports, what […]
If it runs Android, you can install an app, created by designers at the University of California-Berkeley, that will let the phone crunch data during downtime.
Five guidelines for navigating the Internet from the great 19th-century liberal individualist.
Like many Americans of a certain age, for me, Andy Kaufman (shown above) was first, and in some ways forever, Latka Gravas, the lovable garage mechanic with the endearing misuse […]
When painter Andrew Wyeth passed away in 2009, the reclusive painter took many of the secrets behind his art to the grave. When I heard that the Brandywine River Museum […]
Newt Gingrich was almost right about the Palestinians when he said they were an “invented people” (though the difference between right and almost right, to paraphrase Twain, is the difference […]
Study of a fearless woman might lead to new therapies for post-traumatic stress disorder, but fear remains an important emotion, experts say.
Chris Lehmann and I submitted our book to the publisher yesterday: McLeod, S., & Lehmann, C. (Eds.). (in press). What school administrators need to know about digital technologies and social […]
Here are my notes from Day 1 of the World Technology Summit & Awards in New York City. My colleague at Iowa State, Dr. John Nash, and I have been […]
Well, after sorting through all of the Leadership Day 2010 posts, tracking down incorrect URLs, deleting a few nonexistent items, and reviewing some attempts to recycle old posts, I believe […]
“Rahm Emanuel’s expected departure is more than just your standard White House shakeup: it costs Obama the man with the political grit and muscle to make his dreams come true.”
When I first heard that McCain had chosen Sarah Palin to be his running partner, I expected there to be a revolt from the intellectual wing of the GOP party, […]
Consider the following events, their political timing, and their impact on the framing of the stem cell debate: 1) Last week, as the House was preparing to vote on legislation […]
Gide, Sherwood Anderson, Ludwig Lewisohn, Faulkner, George Moore, Dostoyevsky, Huysmans, Bourget, Arsybashev, Trumbo, Galsworthy, Meredith. Plus the poems of Dante, Ariosto, Tasso, Tibullus, Heine, Pushkin, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Apollinaire, and the […]