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You searched for: positive thinking

Astrophysicists have been looking for worlds like Proxima b since the 19th century. At last, they’re found! This article is contributed by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in […]
Mark Zuckerberg recently reiterated that brain-to-brain interfacing is our species future. Today, scientists can have participants move things on a screen with their mind and signal to one another across vast distances. It may someday have therapeutic uses for ADHD, give us sense experiences not akin to our species, and even allow advertisers to invade our minds.   
Over the past few years, feminism has grown in popularity, and this has led the media to put the spotlight on it to sell magazines, get clicks, and earn likes and shares. The media’s interest is not in spreading the message of feminism, but to sensationalize it by putting celebrities on the spot to see what they will say in response to bait questions.