The sacrifices of early astronauts paved the way for Apollo’s successes, and so much more. In all of history, only 24 humans have ever escaped Earth’s gravity. The very first launch […]
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You searched for: Ocean
Even though no human has stepped foot on the Moon’s surface in 50 years, the evidence of our presence there remains unambiguous.
A new study finds that starlet sea anemones have the unique ability to grow more tentacles when they’ve got more to eat.
As we embrace green solutions, nuclear should absolutely be part of the equation. For thousands upon thousands of years, humans have been harnessing the power of nature to provide energy […]
A new study bases its calculations on more than the great white shark.
The surface and atmosphere is colored by ferric oxides. Beneath a very thin layer, mere millimeters deep in places, it’s not red anymore.
It looks like a busy hurricane season ahead. Probably.
Scientists are befuddled by where the shark gets most of its food.
Solar geoengineering ideas could weaken storms in both hemispheres, scientists find.
Preferring “bases not places,” the U.S. does not really resemble the empires of old.
The ultimate lesson from Dr. Birx is one we should never, ever repeat. About a year ago, as the world experienced the deadly “first wave” associated with the coronavirus pandemic, many […]
Dennis Klatt developed trailblazing text-to-speech systems before losing his own voice to cancer.
Instead of just Afghanistan, the U.S. military ought to withdraw from the entire Middle East and much of the rest of the world.
A leading British space scientist thinks there is life under the ice sheets of Europa.
As droughts threaten water supplies across the planet, some municipalities aim to utilize an untapped resource: sewage water.
Humans churn out about 30 gigatons (30,000,000,000 tons) of material every year.
If you were awaiting screaming death from the skies, you can relax. For now.
With launch costs dropping and enormous numbers of new satellites filling the sky, can’t we just do it all from space?
Nuclear weapons, whale sharks, and how to use both to make eco-tourism more sustainable.
Underperforming, the U.S. comes in only 157th out of 196 in global triangularity ranking.
Scalars, vectors, and tensors come up all the time in science. But what are they? One of the major goals of science is to describe our reality as accurately as possible. […]
The theoretical reasons to expect it are compelling, but the technology required to detect it is unfathomable. All throughout our galaxy, millions of black holes of a variety of masses […]
With launch, deployment, calibration, and science operations about to commence, here are 10 facts that are absolutely true.
A supernova exploded near Earth about 2.5 million years ago, possibly causing an extinction event.
A new study says that it could be centuries before millions of the classic toys submerged in the Earth’s seas disintegrate.
New research suggests the ocean current that delivers warm water to Europe has a one-in-six chance of halting temporarily over the next hundred years, potentially resulting in freezing temperatures.
We frequently say it’s 2.725 K: from the light left over all the way from the Big Bang. But that’s not all that’s in the Universe.
Their success is based on us adopting a plant-based diet, too.
Scientists have detected within the Venusian atmosphere a chemical known to be a byproduct of life.