united states
A simple postcard can improve voter registration rates. Who knew?
According to Harvard economists, Democrats and Republicans both perceive reality very wrong.
A massive Dating.com study reveals just how important politics are in the dating world right now.
The study also estimated that international lockdown efforts prevented more than 500 million infections worldwide.
State and local governments are hiring contact tracers to contain the spread of novel coronavirus.
Expert opinion is divided on how effective riots can be on causing social change. However, these five examples show they can do something.
Trump is #45 but Pence is #48 – and other strange consequences of the curious office of vice president.
Numerous U.S. Presidents invoked the Insurrection Act to to quell race and labor riots.
The inequalities impact everything from education to health.
Who is to blame for the U.S.’s dismal college graduation rate? “Radical” educator Dennis Littky has a hunch.
A recent survey also found that political messaging from the pulpit increased the likelihood of believing presidents to be ordained by God.
In the near future, most unemployed Americans will have access to government-subsidized programs. But that’s set to change in 2021.
How should we think about the tension between opening the economy back up and preserving public health?
There are ways to engage with someone with whom you don’t agree.
4 min
Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods find a greater foothold in the market as demand for plant-based meats rises.
The lessons we’ve learned here on Earth will affect how we govern a new world.
4 min
On May 4, 1970, the National Guard shot and killed four students during an anti-war protest. The massacre went on to change American culture forever.
Across the land, state-driven pacts, partnerships, councils and task forces replace a coordinated federal response.
We know what effective teaching looks like. Implementing it can change the lives of Americans.
Here’s how corporations can bring women out from the “leadership pipeline” and into actual leadership.
4 min
A bipartisan group of economists, technology and public health experts, and ethicists developed a three-part plan to swiftly and safely reopen the American economy. Could it work?
The associations of civil society give us freedom to find systems that meet our needs.
8 min
Some Americans are fearful of government control and awash in conspiracy theories.
Colleges and universities can continue to ignore what the market wants, or they can get in the game and differentiate with new on-ground and online pathways to employment-centric education.
You can’t really have an opinion if you don’t know all sides of the argument.
5 min
In classical liberalism, justice leaves society better off by providing a chance for a better life.
9 min
The environmental benefits of the coronavirus pandemic are only temporary, warns the head of the UN Environment Programme.
Ad Fontes Media wants to educate readers on where to find reliable sources of news and lessen the heat from the political flame wars.
The ability to interact peacefully and voluntarily provides individuals a better quality of life.
5 min
Tech is rising and America’s middle class is vanishing. Here’s what to do.
5 min