Play and experimentation are the keys to creativity and innovation.
5 min
Here’s how to exercise your curiosity and truly experience the world.
4 min
Learn how to cope with your stress by better understanding which stress personality type you are.
What does your money personality say about how you save (and spend) money?
Can a real pandemic (such as COVID-19) turn into mass hysteria?
Stress and anxiety therapist Dr. Amelia Aldao suggests waiting 60 seconds before reacting to a stressor, giving your rational mind time to catch up to your emotions.
More frequent sex has been linked with higher income rates, according to a 2013 study.
There are scientifically proven ways you can improve your self-esteem, right now.
How reframing your emotions and changing your daily behavior can help you save money.
Are you and your partner happy with your sex life?
Being kind to others positively impacts your physical and mental health, according to this groundbreaking research by Stanford professor Dr. James Doty.
The more research conducted on psychedelics, the closer we get to new therapeutic models.
How does gratitude work its mental magic?
An expert’s take on how to ace your exams through mindfulness.
Meditation doesn’t just reduce stress or make you a more spiritual person; it changes your brain in a variety of ways that can make it easier to learn new information.
In McMindfulness, Ronald Purser says modern mindfulness is dictated more by market forces than ethics.
Brain plasticity. Mindful superpowers. Pokémon invading our grey matter. Scientists have only begun to learn about the human brain.
Without a healthy mind, tackling life’s challenges becomes exponentially more difficult.
Are we just making a profit from human emotions?
Some basic areas we could all use some improvement in.
But we already knew that, didn’t we?
Chronic procrastination is associated with a slew of negative health outcomes.
The Canadian professor’s old-school message is why many started listening to him.
Forget everything you think you know about meditation.
If texting ‘is starting to feel frustrating, stressful, or if you’re overwhelmed or trapped by it, that’s a good indication that you need to set a boundary.’
New research from the University of Buffalo makes the case for the smartphone.
It’s not just ostriches who stick their head in the sand.
The Buddha’s teachings seem to be on point.