The bad news, the possibility of epidemics. The good news, it may help slow global warming.
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There’s no escaping its vast power and utility for the human enterprise. Stories, great tales, and songs have all been written about the all-mighty dollar. Here’s 10 documentaries that we think you’ll enjoy.
There’s no science in this episode of science fiction… but there’s a lot of suspicious happenings that no one’s noticing. Following up on the best episode of the season, thus […]
Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss spoke at CSICon 2016 about scientists’ attempt to look back in time to the beginning of our universe.
Mark Twain once said that God created war so that Americans would learn geography. Twain died before World War I, but his sardonic remark still has meaning.
A company specializing in A.I. medicine will tell you how long you’re likely to live.
It does undergo nuclear fusion, but there are more reactions and more energy released from reactions other than H → He. “The sun is a miasmaOf incandescent plasmaThe sun’s not simply […]
The pulsar map to Earth was perfect when it was launched. By time aliens get it, it’ll be completely useless. “We [are] a species endowed with hope and perseverance, at […]
This is the 1st study to show evidence of a relationship between methylation drift and lifespan.
Hans Monderman believed that societies could make roads safer by making drivers more uncertain, and therefore alert.
It’s a fascinating idea, but how does it fare as a scientific theory? “Something is happening here and this is going to have an impact.” –Robert Dijkgraaf, on Verlinde’s work The […]
If your favorite theory made the list, you might want to consider a new favorite to bet on. “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great […]
Unpredictable winters? Seasons that don’t line up? It’s possible with the right configuration, says physics. “Lord of Light! Come to us in our darkness. We offer you these false gods. Take […]
How looking at a single, distant galaxy cluster can show us the invisible mass filling our space like nothing else. “We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and […]
That same pattern is seen in chimps and orangutans, primatologists say.
You might think Jupiter is large, but you’ll be surprised at what happens if you try and make it larger! “A few centuries ago, the pioneer navigators learnt the size and […]
Former President Obama returned to public life today, indicating some topics he’ll focus on during his post-presidency.
If all we had were hydrogen and helium after the Universe were born, we wouldn’t be here today. “The discovery of deuterium and the marked differences in the physical and chemical […]
Find the right genes and we’ll have a way to prolong life and good health, perhaps indefinitely.
It isn’t just supernovae or neutron star collisions that make the heaviest elements. The physics might surprise you! “Comrades, this man has a nice smile, but he’s got iron teeth.” –Andrei A. […]
No other object this large has come so close to Earth in millions of years. In the 5th millennium, we might suffer the consequences. “Honestly, if you’re given the choice […]
The iconic physicist warns that we’d better find another planet in the next 100 years, or humanity is screwed.
Earth is pretty much the limit of how large you can get and still be rocky. Anything much larger, and you’re a gas giant. “How vast those Orbs must be, and […]
You lose whether you use protons or electrons in your collider, for different reasons. Could the unstable muon solve both problems? “It does not matter how slowly you go as […]
Why do the asteroids that fall to Earth have the composition they do? A giant space collision 466 million years ago may be to blame. “Men of genius are often dull […]
If we see an atomic nucleus decay in a particular way, it means the Universe is fundamentally different from how we see it today. “There are several categories of scientists in […]
It may be the only way to save the USA — and the world — from alternative facts. “If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.” –Ernest Rutherford There […]
Neuroengineering, defined as the application of engineering principles to neurological problems, then becomes how we engineer our relationship with existence itself.
10 million cars with autonomous features will be on the road by 2020. But they won’t just change the way we get around, they’ll transform our cities and our lifestyle preferences, from the morning commute to the suburbs we choose to live in.
When black holes stop eating, galaxies fade away. “I’ll never, ever be full. I’ll always be hungry. Obviously, I’m not talking about food.” –Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Most large galaxies are […]