Six months ago, in late April, Research teams at the NASA Infrared Telescope facility in Hawaii made an astonishing discovery. They found that both water ice and organic compounds exist […]
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You searched for: sun
2010 was a great year for art publishing, with many presses producing high quality works not only in terms of reproducing great art, but also in publishing important thinkers on […]
“Forget wind power or conventional solar power, the world’s energy needs could be met 100 billion times over using a satellite to harness the solar wind and beam the energy to Earth.”
The new eruptive phase at Merapi appears to be getting worse – and from the sound of it, the volcanologists at the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation aren’t sure what […]
After fuseproject’s sleek WattStation electric vehicle charging stations for GE, Nissan enters the designer charging station market with Solar Tree – a futuristic solar-powered vehicle charging station. The 40-foot concept […]
In the pre-modern world, circadian rhythms were synched with the rising and setting of the sun, but modern life requires many to adjust their internal clocks to accommodate alternative sleeping […]
3 min
“The heaviest and brightest star known to exist—with a mass some 300 times as big as our own Sun—has been discovered by British astronomers.” The Independent reports.
“How does one come to have certain ideas about L.A. without actually experiencing it?” n+1 meditates on the sun, fun and doom captured in the novels of Bret Easton Ellis.
When a journalist mistakenly wore shorts to visit Guantanamo Bay, he was refused entry into the prison. Instead, he was taken to the library where the prisoners’ art was hung on display.
How not to write an article on potential volcanic hazards.
Recently, a nearby earth-like twin was found in outer space—perhaps capable of harboring life. The planet is called Gliese 581g, and is 20 light years from Earth (about 120 trillion […]
Our Sun has been asleep for a while, but now it’s starting to wake up. You’ve probably read or heard about the recent solar storms that sent plasma towards Earth, […]
When Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama, who works primarily in black and white, encountered a photograph by Mika Ninagawa of Technicolor flowers in close-up during a tour of a museum, he […]
David Keith, director of the Energy and Environmental Systems Group at the University of Calgary, says geoengineering should be “a central part of how we think about managing climate risk over the next 100 years.”
The Maine Solar System Model recreates the relative distances between the sun and planets along a stretch of U.S. Highway 1
Few details are provided, but in a buzz-generating interview, here is what The Sun (UK) reports: “The former US Vice President said: ‘I will make a sequel to the 2006 […]
When Daedalus crafted wings of feathers and wax for his son Icarus, he included the warning to not fly too close to the sun. As anyone who knows Greek mythology […]
“Once on the fringe, about 750,000 off the grid American households pioneer green living by tapping sustainable energy from the wind, sun, and earth.” The Christian Science Monitor reports.
In the wake of the Midterm elections, perhaps overlooked has been the defeat of California’s Proposition 23, an oil-industry backed measure that would have overturned the state’s legislation limiting greenhouse […]
NASA says our sun is preparing for a stormy period and, according to the National Academy of Sciences, “A major solar storm could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.”
Did a volcano in China cause the great Permian extinction? Maybe. Maybe not. We do know that a giant new undersea volcano was found off Indonesia and volcanoes continue to rumble worldwide. UPDATED!
The disturbing imagery of blocking the sun to slow climate change aside, geoengineering faces serious practical concerns. The Economist looks at the ups and downs of this radical solution.
Let’s face it: The planet is heating up, Earth’s population is expanding at an exponential rate, and the the natural resources vital to our survival are running out faster than […]
“Some astronomers believe a hidden mini star nicknamed Nemesis is orbiting the sun, but a new analysis of life extinction cycles on Earth suggests this dark companion may not exist.”
n It’s déjà vu all over again. Post #163 of this blog (d.d. Aug 5, 2007) dealt with a secretive plan by the European Union to carve up the United […]
Astronomer Chris Impey surveys the possible causes of earth’s extinction. Whether it come from an asteroid or the sun’s implosion, the rock we live on is by no means an eternal home.
European scientists plan to launch two satellites into orbit, one always between the other and the sun, in order to study the sun’s corona without waiting for a natural eclipse.
“An aircraft fueled by the sun has accomplished its first ever manned night flight,” reports the New Scientist. The Swiss aircraft broke several records for a piloted solar flight.
Last week, in a history book moment, an airplane was flown straight through a day-night cycle running on nothing – nothing – but the sun’s rays. Imagine the quiet, up […]
GRAPH: MAJOR NEWSPAPER ATENTION TO “BLOOD” OR “CONFLICT” DIAMONDSAll eyes in the science advocacy community will be on Paris tomorrow, as the policymakers’ summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]