From billions of miles away, a faint, single pixel shows us how precious and alone Earth truly is. There are people alive today who can remember a time where no human-made […]
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You searched for: gravity
Like Stevenson, Tolkien and other creators of fantasy worlds, Ursula K. Le Guin was a cartographer as well as a writer
Before we formed stars, atoms, elements, or even got rid of our antimatter, the Big Bang made neutrinos. And we found them. The idea of the Big Bang has captivated the […]
Everything we know can be traced back to the Big Bang, and before that, cosmic inflation. But what if we look to the future? Looking out at the Universe today, it’s […]
Novels open us to the nuances of being human.
The Flat Earth community revealed some of its newest theories and breakthroughs at its first convention in Birmingham, England last weekend.
A rare, ultra-diffuse galaxy is full of stars and not much else. Here’s how to make sense of it. One of the greatest puzzles in the entire Universe is the dark […]
A groundbreaking experiment proves a key tenet of Einstein’s theory of gravity.
Not building one means giving up on brute force. We’re not yet ready to do that. There’s a problem with the field of high-energy physics, and it’s the biggest one imaginable. […]
With an assist from Einstein’s gravity and the power of the Hubble Space Telescope, it’s the brightest quasar we’ve ever discovered. In astronomy, there are two types of questions to […]
Sure we know it would be bad, but what do all of these scary numbers really mean?
All the planets, asteroids, and Kuiper belt objects out there all point to the same conclusion: it’s giant impacts or no moons at all. Out of all the rocky planets […]
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump claimed that Google is deliberately manipulating its algorithms to shut out conservative media outlets from news search results.
What an academic sting on humanities journals really means to the rest of us. And to academia.
This could change everything we know about gravity and universal expansion.
When two different techniques give two different results, either someone is wrong, or something incredible is happening. Imagine you were a scientist attempting to measure some property of the Universe. […]
Researchers at MIT have created what may be the smallest robots yet that can sense their environment, store data, and even carry out computational tasks. These nanorobots are the size of a human cell and they could flow through intestines or pipelines to detect problems.
It’s not simply Hubble’s Law anymore, but the real history is far more complex than the stories you’ve heard. One of the most mind-blowing facts in our existence is that space […]
These three reasons are why there’s no getting around the fact that astronomy needs the James Webb Space Telescope. Even the most powerful telescope in history, the Hubble Space Telescope, […]
Space X successfully launches TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite a.k.a. “The Planet Hunter.” NASA will use it to search for planets that may support extraterrestrial life.
It may have been captured by Neptune since it formed, but Triton remains king of the Kuiper belt. Our Solar System is arguably the most well-studied corner of the Universe, with […]
Hungary’s Two-Tailed Dog Party campaigns on an ‘anti-anti-immigration platform, with slogans such as: “Sorry about our Prime Minister”, and “Feel free to come to Hungary, we already work in England anyway!”
There’s something very special inside a proton and neutron that holds the key. There are few things in the Universe that are as easy to form, in theory, as black holes […]
It will be the most extreme test of Einstein’s General Relativity ever. And we already have the data. With every year that goes by, the total amount of knowledge that humanity […]
A new study of 155 regions found that the more women are represented in local and national governments, the less corruption there is.
The picture itself is breathtaking. But what we learn is truly eye-opening. Galaxy clusters, like the massive one captured here by Hubble, PLCK G004.5–19.5, impress not just for their looks, […]
It’s a problem that we still haven’t solved, and it spells doom for all of our low-Earth orbiting satellites, even today. On October 4th, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, […]
The story of John Couch Adams, “the man who failed to discover Neptune,” and his cosmic redemption. Perhaps its human nature to want to only think positive thoughts about our […]
If everything was hot, dense, and super close-together at the Big Bang, what kept us from collapsing into a singularity? The Big Bang is one of the most counterintuitive ideas […]
The age-old question, finally answered. Kind of.