Maura O’Connor discusses her new book, Wayfinding: The Science and Mystery of How Humans Navigate the World.
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All the other planets have craters, icecaps, clouds, or a rich, banded structure. But not Uranus. The eight major planets of the Solar System all possess their own unique features. The […]
The keto diet can help with weight loss, but at what cost?
Could the Universe loop around on itself? And, if so, might an intergalactic journey bring you back to your home planet? Back when people thought the Earth was flat, it was […]
For hundreds of millions of years, most of the starlight never made it through space. Here’s how that changed. Forming stars sounds like the easiest thing in the Universe to do. […]
It’s one of the biggest assumptions we’ve ever made about the Universe. Here’s why it’s wrong. Almost everyone has heard the story of the Big Bang. But if you ask anyone, […]
In General Relativity, even space and time themselves aren’t what they seem. Gravity might have been the first fundamental force ever discovered, but in many ways, it remains the least-well understood. […]
When most people think about improving workplace health, they think of green cleaning methods or washing their hands before eating. However, another aspect of health and wellness in the workplace […]
New principled approach helps autonomous underwater vehicles explore the ocean in an intelligent, energy-efficient manner.
If dark energy were stronger or weaker, everything would be pretty much the same. And that’s a puzzle. After the Big Bang, the Universe was full of matter and radiation. It […]
Research by neuroscientists at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory helps explain how the brain regulates arousal.
The probe, no larger than a car, will be the closest a man-made object has ever gotten to the sun. We will be able to study and see it like we’ve never seen it before.
In the search for fundamental truths in our Universe, one of the biggest questions, “are space and time continuous or discrete,” remains unanswered. Throughout the history of science, one of […]
What are the health and environmental effects of electric night light?
It was Stephen Hawking’s obsession for the last 30 years of his life. Here’s why it matters. When it comes to the sciences, sometimes making two observations or measurements that appear […]
White-nose syndrome is nearly as lethal to bats as the Black Plague was for humans.
The Swift-Tuttle comet is the source of the lovely Perseid meteor shower each August. It’s also getting closer and closer, making it “the single most dangerous object known to humanity.”
A new report says there’s not as much evidence of physical harm as you might think.
Our Universe cannot be described by normal matter alone. Vera Rubin’s work led the way. Ask an astrophysicist what our Universe is made of, and you’ll likely receive a shocking surprise. […]
A set of new studies that used large-scale computer simulations found that life might be more common throughout other universes than previously thought.
Many of our greatest fears stem from uncertainty about the future, and technology has made the future very uncertain indeed.
Giving our solar system a “slap in the face.”
The most massive star in the known Universe is 260 times as heavy as our Sun. But viewing the early Universe will shatter that record. Place enough mass together in one […]
Can changing diet actually reverse the growth of cancer in the body?
A mind-bending paradox questions the nature of reality.
These five main food groups are important for your brain’s health and likely to boost the production of feel-good chemicals.
It’s very different from the colloquial meanings of “true-and-false” or “right-and-wrong.” In many ways, the human endeavor of science is the ultimate pursuit of truth. By asking the natural world […]