Richard Feynman’s method for understanding science can also be used for detecting pseudoscience.
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We often think of willpower as mentally forging ahead. But to achieve such a mental state, our brain needs proper nourishment.
If you’re looking for a point in space, the answer is going to shock you. “The world you see, nature’s greatest and most glorious creation, and the human mind which gazes […]
Looking into the great, dark unknown was a mystery for thousands of years. No longer! “Science cannot tell theology how to construct a doctrine of creation, but you can’t construct a […]
The force that has only been seen on the largest cosmic scales affects smaller ones, too. We just need to look well enough. “There are still so many questions to answer. […]
The supply chain for recycling paper burns more fossil fuel than it needs to. Epson has come up with a solution.
How the “hierarchy problem,” or why gravity is so much weaker than everything else, might be the key to the entire Universe. “I just think too many nice things have […]
With, as Carl Sagan famously put it, “billions and billions” of stars out there, many of them with planets that would support life, why aren’t we seeing that life the form of visits from aliens?
What we can see extends for 46.1 billion light years in all directions today. So how big was it at birth? “They say it all started out with a big bang. […]
And what it means if we don’t see gravitational waves from inflation in the next 5–10 years. “The paradigm of physics — with its interplay of data, theory and prediction — is the most powerful […]
An incredible live-blog of an incredible event. “It’s becoming clear that in a sense the cosmos provides the only laboratory where sufficiently extreme conditions are ever achieved to test new […]
Beijing just had a red alert for air quality for the first time. But what else is it up to?
Baba Ramdev has built a $670 million company on the back of yoga’s soaring popularity. Is his ethics in alignment with yoga’s teachings?
And if the Universe is expanding, does that mean these ripples can break the speed of light? “Einstein’s gravitational theory, which is said to be the greatest single achievement of […]
There’s a new theory out there that these merging black holes came from a single star. What are the odds? “Even if the Fermi detection is a false alarm, future LIGO […]
The Advent of Wearable Tech is here and it Pairs Perfectly with Medical Detection.
It doesn’t interact with normal matter hardly at all, and yet it may be necessary for life itself. “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” –Joseph Campbell Dark […]
The name of our country reflects a legacy of blood-soaked European colonialism and other historical ills. To get a fresh start, we should rebrand America by renaming it.
Harvard paleoanthropologist Daniel Lieberman argues that cultural evolution is often more influential than biological evolution, leading to a host of ailments.
Helen B. Taussig was the original pediatric cardiologist. She founded a field of study, advancing medical research beyond what was thought possible at the time.
An estimated 10 percent of the world’s population doesn’t have access to the Internet. Facebook’s Connectivity Lab is trying to find a way to bring isolated communities online, but in order to do so, it needs to know where they live.
The coffee pod design isn’t sustainable, so the German city of Hamburg has placed a ban on government-run buildings from using “Kaffeekapselmaschine,” or coffee capsule machines.
How does he deliver presents to hundreds of millions of households in just one night? With physics, of course! “Our family was too strange and weird for even Santa Claus to […]
Scientists are going to ground-zero of one of Earth’s most notable disasters—to the Chicxulub crater to dig to the heart of the asteroid that collided into the Earth 66 million years ago.
If there is a quantum theory of gravity, is String Theory the only game in town? “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to […]
Some parents are diagnosing their attention-deficient children as heavenly beings thanks to Internet blogs.
It’s the most mysterious “stuff” our Universe has. So why are we so sure it’s real? “The Universe is made mostly of dark matter and dark energy, and we don’t know […]
The similarities between the Universe and a living being are striking and surprising. Could larger entities than us be alive? “Do not look at stars as bright spots only. Try to […]
The laws of physics appear to be symmetric between matter and antimatter. But the Universe tells a different story. “If you see an antimatter version of yourself running towards you, […]
COP21 makes history.