They won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics, but their legacy’s just beginning. “I know all about neutrinos, and my friend here knows about everything else in astrophysics.” –John Bahcall, […]
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You searched for: energy
How we went from our Milky Way, alone, to the entire Universe. “Gamow was fantastic in his ideas. He was right, he was wrong. More often wrong than right. Always […]
It took hundreds of years for Einstein to dethrone him, and even then, he was off by less than 1% of a spectacular prediction.
Picasso didn’t fight in World War I, but he still struggled with how that war influenced his art and life.
Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Groups and Clusters are all real. But Superclusters? They’re nothing more than optical illusions. “It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.” –Virginia Woolf […]
With current technology, things might take generations. But that could be greatly reduced with a little help. “Oh, yes — I know you. There was a time you looked at the stars and […]
France has introduced a law banning supermarkets from disposing of quality, unsold food approaching its best-before date. It will help reduce the amount of food waste the country produces while also helping feed the country’s poor.
It won’t mean that global warming has stopped, but that won’t stop the usual suspects from making their anti-science claims. “…as a scientist I was trained you always have to […]
And could what we see over there spell disaster for Earth? “An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered […]
Those who work for nonprofits and NGOs can avoid mental exhaustion by realizing they’re not Superman.
4 min
And, at a fundamental level, it can never be one. “Even when Darwin’s teaching first made its appearance, it became clear at once that its scientific, materialist core, its teaching concerning […]
From MySpace and Hi5 to Facebook and Twitter, our relationship with social media has evolved over the past 15 years. Unfortunately, this may have led to the loss of curiosity and the devolution of our bonds with the people these platforms were built to connect us with, beyond the boundaries of time and space.
Without a boost, they’ll all come crashing down. “I’m here for several reason, Mr. Pepin, first of all for aid. When something tragic happens in our skies, we do our utmost […]
Insufficient commitments to carbon cuts, and a process to encourage deeper cuts that is only voluntary, are bad news for our future.
What LIGO’s first signal actually means. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves.” –David Reitze This morning, the principal investigator of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), David Reitze, made […]
A leftover glow unlike any other — of neutrinos — has finally been seen. “When you see how fragile and delicate life can be, all else fades into the background.” –Jenna Morasca Seventy years […]
A new study shows how children who face difficult times grow up to be anxious adults. Luckily, there’s something we all can do.
This is a map of the online world. Each country is resized for the popularity of its domain name. The eye is immediately drawn to the map’s greatest anomaly: Tokelau.
And what would that mean if it were one? “It is in the theory of perception that we have established our bond, or the lie I should say, for which we […]
Researchers at MIT want to build a compact fusion reactor that could potentially produce near inexhaustible energy by the end of the decade.
Meet the man who’s offering the gateway drug to get everyone on board with Elon Musk’s solar-fueled future.
Let’s first cut carbon emissions that don’t make positive returns on human happiness.
There’s a big, big difference between a “scientific” theory and all other types. It should make you more confident, not less. One of the most important things any expert hoping to […]
Star Wars’ Hoth has nothing on the real-life version! “My Lord, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed. Com Scan has detected an energy field protecting an area of the […]
Let’s change the market by controlling the market.
Penn State and Yale University astronomers, unable to explain strange data patterns they’re observing from a star, have come to the conclusion that there may be an “alien superstructure” orbiting it.
If there’s only one Higgs, no unexpected decays and no new fundamental, heavy particles, it might all be over. “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All […]
I scored an exclusive interview with Dave Reitze, the executive director of LIGO. Take a trip inside his Universe. “When I was in high school, I was certain that being […]
Is everything astonishingly simple, though? Or is this a grandiose claim that falls flat when confronted with the evidence? “My main interest is the problem of the singularity. If we […]
It’s getting bigger over time, but is there anything it’s displacing, or expanding into? “Mathematicians deal with possible worlds, with an infinite number of logically consistent systems. Observers explore the […]