The global rise in meat consumption is accelerating climate change.
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It’s tempting to add the spins of the quarks together, but that’s not what the experiments agree with! “We must regard it rather as an accident that the Earth (and presumably […]
Here’s how a discovery by a plucky band of sky-watchers changed science.
And even with them all in place, what do we still not know? “The joy of life consists in the exercise of one’s energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of […]
For the first time, the World Health Organization has declared a new mental illness to be the leading cause of disability around the world.
Meet the Cornell scientist who figured out the link between fracking disposal wells and Oklahoma’s earthquakes.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) and the movement towards a shorter work week is not just a solution to inequality, but one also aimed at stabilizing the environment.
The latest challenger to dark matter’s throne may not be so difficult to knock off, after all. This post was written by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in […]
The physics of why popping off a few rounds in celebration can quickly turn deadly. “I’ve heard it said that God made all men, but Samuel Colt made all men equal. […]
The iconic physicist warns that we’d better find another planet in the next 100 years, or humanity is screwed.
Is it conserved? Destroyed? Radiated away? 40+ years on, we still don’t have answers. This article was contributed by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in quantum gravity and […]
Just because we know it’s real doesn’t mean it’s easy to create in a lab. “For me the best answer is not in words but in measurements.” –Elena Aprile Atoms, molecules, […]
LIGO’s world-changing announcement was the beginning. The best is what comes next. “It’s the first time the universe has spoken to us through gravitational waves, up to now we’ve been deaf […]
Some have deemed old-fashioned light bulbs as good as dead. But researchers at MIT have devised an incandescent light that’s greener than ever.
If we could jump 50 years into the future, what will our world look like? Flying cars? Hologram phones? Bill Nye sees two technological paths ahead – and we’re in the fork between them at this very moment.
4 min
This isn’t an XZibit joke; it’s a real scientific question. And the answer may be that it’s possible after all. “People who work every day are kind of scared of things […]
Three simple questions; an amazing story that goes way beyond Einstein! “Each ray of light moves in the coordinate system ‘at rest’ with the definite, constant velocity V independent of […]
As John Hopkins, Duke, Yale, and others integrate yoga and acupuncture, will it harm or help patients?
Earth is pretty much the limit of how large you can get and still be rocky. Anything much larger, and you’re a gas giant. “How vast those Orbs must be, and […]
You know what a black hole is, and we’ve found a few so far. But oh, are there ever so many more out there! “Black holes are the seductive dragons of […]
There’s no science in this episode of science fiction… but there’s a lot of suspicious happenings that no one’s noticing. Following up on the best episode of the season, thus […]
There are many scientific explanations for ghost sightings. This is the first ever to involve CERN.
Want the speed of light, the fine-structure constant or others to change? There’s a new obstacle to overcome. “The mystery about α is actually a double mystery. The first mystery — the […]
This could lead to a small 3D printer used by soldiers to quickly make anything needed in the field.
Donald Trump campaigned on the imperative to bring back jobs for Americans. He should turn to Elon Musk to succeed on his aims.
The laws of physics are symmetric, but the Universe isn’t. Something’s gotta give. “If antimatter and matter make contact, both are destroyed instantly. Physicists call the process ‘annihilation.” –Dan Brown When […]
Scientists discover unusual galaxies that raise questions about Einstein’s theory of gravity and the existence of dark matter.
They’ll reportedly last for thousands of years. This technology may someday power spacecraft, satellites, high-flying drones, and pacemakers.
Machine learning and predictive AI are changing the way we operate our devices and machines.
You might think Jupiter is large, but you’ll be surprised at what happens if you try and make it larger! “A few centuries ago, the pioneer navigators learnt the size and […]