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The director of the census bureau in charge of marine species, called the Global Marine Species Assessment, has issued a warning about the deterioration of earth’s coral reefs. It was […]
Chile is appealing for international help as it copes with the double disasters of a fierce earthquake quickly followed by a devastating tsunami.
Despite recasting itself as a green energy alternative, nuclear power is still mistrusted by many due to recent leaks of radioactive material at more than 20 US nuclear plants.
Proposals to speed up adoption procedures for orphans of the Haitian earthquake are raising ethical dilemmas about the value of psychological safety versus the reality of food and water shortages.
Canadian artist San Base uses cutting-edge computer technology to make his images literally dance to the music. Imagine the Yule Log video, only trippier and infinitely more interesting.
North Korea has been accused of firing artillery shells near the disputed maritime border with South Korea for two days running, according to local media reports.
Silicon Valley startup Bloom Energy has unveiled new technology which can “harnesses chemical reactions to create energy” in the hope of revolutionizing the world’s fuel sources.
A whale in captivity at an Orlando, Florida SeaWorld amusement park killed an experienced marine animal trainer in front of a horrified audience.
Reemergence of nuclear power in America’s energy future has renewed interest in fast-neutron reactors which can use nuclear waste in the process of energy production.
Desperate Haitians and global aid agencies are begging for more effective assistance as food and water supplies run out and the relief effort fails to reach those most vulnerable.
An inventor is claiming to have come up with a modern day Noah’s Ark – a durable container housing up to four people which could theoretically survive an apocalypse.
Hoping to make offshore wind farms more profitable, Norwegian experts are building the world’s largest and most powerful turbine, but with a twist – it floats!
Volunteers have recovered scores more corpses in Nigeria’s central Plateau state following violent and religiously motivated clashes which erupted in recent days.
Some of the Indian Independence leader Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes have been scattered into the ocean off the coast of South Africa 62 years after his death.
The Obama Administration is moving to put missile defense technology in Persian Gulf countries to deter Iran, a move that will require the presence of more U.S. troops in the region.
Analysis of images of “ancient lakes” on Mars’ equator suggests similarities to lakes found in Alaska and Siberia, adding to the likelihood that there was once life on the Red Planet.
Aliens visiting Earth will be “just like humans”, sporting faults such as greed, violence and exploitation of the weak, according to claims by a leading scientist at Cambridge University.