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If you mix salt water with fresh water you create instant carbon-neutral energy – the process is called osmotic power and the world’s first osmotic power plant has just opened.
The earth shook in the Cayman Islands yesterday rattling resident’s nerves more than the 5.8 Richter scale quake, prompting fears of a repeat of the devastation in Haiti.
Almost half a million gallons of crude oil have been spilt in a Texas port where a tanker gouged itself on two barges says the U.S. Coast Guard.
A luxury cruise liner which usually delivers tourists to a beach near Port-au-Prince has said it will donate spare sun loungers and beach furniture to make a temporary hospital for victims.
Seven Hindu pilgrims were killed on Thursday in a stampede at a religious festival on the river Ganges in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal, according to police officials.
A group of influential clerics in Yemen are threatening to declare jihad, or “holy war”, if foreign troops are drafted into the region to battle the spread of Al-Qaeda.
A fragment of a temple to Isis submerged for centuries but recently hoisted from the Mediterranean sea is believed to date back to the era of Egyptian queen Cleopatra.
Archaeologists in Cyprus have discovered a 10,500-years-old water well that contains the skeleton of a young woman.
Rescue workers are searching for survivors after a ship carrying more than 80 people and a cargo of livestock sank during a storm off the north Lebanese coast.
Planetary scientist Francis Nimmo says evidence from recent NASA expeditions suggests that conditions necessary for life may exist on the icy satellites of Saturn and Jupiter.
The huge snowstorms that hit the mid-Atlantic states may have done more than just close roads and schools. They may also have had a chilling effect on climate change legislation […]
Radio1Haiti DJ Carel Pedré, 29, has broadcast an account of the devastating earthquake that rocked the capital Port-au-Prince on Tuesday leaving tens of thousands dead.
Conflict between hardline animal rights groups and whalers in the Antarctic has reached crisis point after a Japanese whaling ship tore the bow off a protest vessel yesterday.
Want to help protect your region’s sources of fresh water? Or find out the results of the latest water-quality tests for the stuff you’re drinking? If you live in the […]
Over the course of 2009, the Dow Jones industrial index grew a healthy 17%. The Nasdaq grew a remarkable 41%. Over the same period the average compensation—the total cost of […]
A spill of diesel fuel in China’s second-longest river has been “effectively” contained by barricades according to the China National Petroleum Corp.
“My pictures are like a family, each one has a special niche in my heart,” renowned art collector Chester Dale once said. “Does anyone ever place a dollars-and-cents value on […]