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The wait is over! Mt. Redoubt in Alaska has erupted at least five times since last night, producing as ash column at least 50,000 feet (15,000 meters) tall.
Now that Redoubt has decided that Yellow/Advisory is not to its likely and has returned to an Orange/Watch status, I’ll continue bringing new updates of the volcano has events unfold. […]
“Ocean life is being wiped out from the bottom up,” reports the New Scientist. Recall from your high school food chain diagram that the smallest critters are the most important.
The earthquake swarm underneath Harrat Lunayyir in Saudi Arabia appears to be subsiding and officials say people may be able to return to their homes by the end of the week. What might be happening under the Saudi Arabian volcanic field?
A veritable treasure trove of volcanic tidbits, including new undersea eruptions discovered, the end of the eruption in the Galapagos, more Aleutian noise, an excellent interactive of Indonesian volcanism and boarding down an active volcanism (a.k.a., thinning the gene pool).
Some notes from the GSA 2009 meeting, including the size of Toba, the latest on the history of South Sister, the explosive life of central Oregon scoria cones and the kimberlites of New York.
“It looks like an iPad, only it’s 1/14th the cost: India has unveiled the prototype of a $35 basic touchscreen tablet aimed at students, which it hopes to bring into production by 2011.”