In each of our minds, we draw a demarcation line between beliefs that are reasonable and those that are nonsense. Where do you draw your line?
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You searched for: Systems
Conjunctions this close are rare, but give humanity an opportunity to view our Solar System’s faintest planet. With eight planets orbiting our Sun, any two will eventually appear close together from […]
Your morning coffee is good for you – if you drink it at the right time.
The science of learning is decades ahead of the education system. How can we bring education into the present?
7 min
Take a journey through the maze of interpretations of one of the most famous paintings in history.
Want help raising your kids? Spend more time at church, says new study.
Sweden tops the ranking for the third year in a row.
Why do Black newborns have a relatively high mortality rate in the U.S. — and how does the race of the doctor factor in?
Buildings don’t have to be permanent — modular construction can make them modifiable and relocatable.
Across the world, wildlife is under severe threat.
At the height of the first wave, many people took heart from the drop in air pollution resulting from global lockdowns.
Could this finally be the clue we’ve hoped for in uncovering the truth about dark matter? In the physical sciences, theory and observation are supposed to work hand-in-hand. Theorists work out […]
Zeno’s paradox stumped philosophers, mathematicians, and intellectuals for millennia. It took physics to finally solve it. The fastest human in the world, according to the Ancient Greek legend, was the heroine […]
Otto Aviation says the hourly cost of flying the new Celera 500L is about six times cheaper than conventional aircraft.
Big dreams and big telescopes are back at last, but everything depends on sufficiently funding NASA, the NSF, and the DOE.
Pandemic rumors and information overload make separating fact from fancy difficult, putting people’s health and lives at risk.
Think they all burn through their fuel, die, and leave white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes behind? Think again. The day will come when our Sun, like most stars, can […]
It’s insidious and destructive, but there are some things you can do to develop a healthier relationship with material things.
Puerto Rico’s iconic telescope facilitated important scientific discoveries while inspiring young scientists and the public imagination.
The Universe is dark, but the distorted light reveals its presence. When we look at the objects in the Universe, the mass just doesn’t add up. A galaxy that was […]
In his new book, “Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy,” former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang explores how media narratives can warp public perception of political candidates.
UNC School of Medicine researchers identified the amino acid responsible for the trip.
After a decade of failed attempts, scientists successfully bounced photons off of a reflector aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, some 240,000 miles from Earth.
Fintech companies are using elements of video games to make personal finance more fun. But does it work, and what are the risks?
California’s Bobcat Fire has reached Mount Wilson Observatory’s doorstep. 100 years ago, our understanding of the Universe was very different from what it is today. Einstein’s General Relativity, our theory […]
ExtendNY stretches the Big Apple’s gridiron all across the globe – with some bizarre effects
The universe is only 13.8 billion years old, but we can see back 46.1 billion light-years. Here’s how the expanding universe does it.
Countless top-down reforms haven’t improved the U.S. education system; can community-based education make a difference?
A conspiracy theory that 90 percent of the world’s population will be killed off spreads widely on pandemic fears.
We tend to promote foreigners by broadcasting their economic and scholarly value, instead of their intrinsic humanity.
4 min