Seawater is raising salt levels in coastal woodlands along the entire Atlantic Coastal Plain, from Maine to Florida.
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Preliminary studies on mice show positive results.
By leveraging the difference between lit and shadowed areas, a new energy source perfect for wearables is invented.
Techshot’s 3D BioFabrication Facility successfully printed human heart tissue aboard the International Space Station.
The inside of every black hole leads to the birth of a new Universe. Could our Universe have arisen from one?
Clinical trials at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research focus on stabilizing cognitive loss and alleviating the psychotic symptoms that change our loved ones.
A nasty disease might not be able to travel around much longer.
There are many things on large scales that also appear on small scales. But is the Universe truly a fractal? If you take a look at the structures that form in […]
Is the “big freeze” our inevitable fate, or can dark energy save us? When we look out at the Universe today, we see sources of light practically everywhere we look. In […]
An ancient Martian meteorite carries with it some compelling implications.
Women and girls must be front and centre of coronavirus response and recovery.
The mission could launch as soon as the 2030s, the researchers said.
Studies show that religion and spirituality are positively linked to good mental health. Our research aims to figure out how and why.
Are dark matter and dark energy both two sides of the same coin? When it comes to the Universe, what you can easily see isn’t always reflective of all there is. […]
Australian researchers figure out a new way to apply extreme pressure and squeeze out diamonds.
The impact might have triggered the Ice Age.
This spring, a U.S. and Chinese team announced that it had successfully grown, for the first time, embryos that included both human and monkey cells.
Weight gain is a side effect of antidepressants, adding another layer of problems.
We just found the first one within 1,000 light-years of us. But there’s probably one much, much closer. For a long time, black holes were known to exist only in the […]
A new study on rats suggests that using marijuana as an adolescent “reprograms the initial behavioral, molecular, and epigenetic response to cocaine.”
Why should we rely on scientific conclusions even though they cannot be proven? A new essay offers compelling reasons.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) created an online dashboard map that provides up-to-date data on reported cases and deaths worldwide.
Researchers detect a large lake and several ponds deep under the ice of the Martian South Pole.
Is that required for detectors like LIGO and Virgo to work? Whenever any two things in the Universe interact at the same location in spacetime, one thing always remains true about […]
It’s not just an old superstition — it’s your stressed-out brain.
How can we save humanity from ourselves? In this life and this Universe, there will always be questions beyond the capabilities of humanity to answer. There’s so much that we’ve […]
Yes, the Universe is expanding, but you might wonder, “How fast is it expanding?”
One galaxy may have eaten one of its slightly smaller, more primitive neighbors.
Boston Dynamics’ notorious robot goes on an interplanetary mission.