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You searched for: Systems
Many thousands of different genetic variants are responsible for complex behavior.
Restflix has over 20 personalized channels for optimal sleep.
A 71% wet Mars would have two major land masses and one giant ‘Medimartian Sea.’
The Sun produces a wide variety of particles and radiation throughout it, but all of its neutrinos are produced in the core: where nuclear reactions take place. The various reactions […]
The public sphere should be open to conflict.
A new study explores how wearing a face mask affects the error rates of popular facial recognition algorithms.
The only doubts are completely unreasonable. Where did the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, come from? Over the past few weeks, there’s been a tremendous push — largely among politicians but also […]
We’re Earth’s first intelligent, technologically advanced civilization. But maybe not the last. For most of our planet’s history, life in some form has existed on our world. Planet Earth formed some […]
There are three factors all competing to determine the fate of the Earth, and the one that’s winning now won’t win in the end. If you could measure the average distance […]
There is a neurological link between serotonin levels and the brain’s ability to control impulses and patience levels.
Can we affirm everything in life, the beauty and the suffering? Nietzsche says yes.
Opportunistic agility is running rampant among hackers and scammers.
Your health and the health of the planet are not indistinguishable.
Dancing, for Nietzsche, was another way of saying Yes! to life.
For too many people, a poor education is a destructive barrier in their lives—a source of limitation rather than opportunity. Together, we can change this.
Some hold that mental disorders are brain diseases. Others argue that they’re social constructs used to medicalise aberrant behaviour.
New research establishes an unexpected connection.
A new study lays out the case for the damaging effects of stress on orcas living in tanks.
Britons could start receiving the vaccine within days.
The dream of an ‘Earth-like’ planet showcases our astrobiological ignorance. Over the past decade, our understanding of what planets exist around stars other than our own has exploded. The number […]
The origin of the 3rd element on the periodic table was one of the great cosmic mysteries. We just solved it. How did we form the elements that pervade the Universe […]
Enough mass in one location will always create a black hole. But not all masses are possible. If you take enough mass and compress it into a small enough volume […]
Andrew Wakefield turned away from science and to the tabloids to spread his fabricated data.
Americans lose an estimated 321 million work days every year due to anxiety and depression.
Jordan Hall speculates on the fate of the species.
Is capitalism naturally unempathetic?
What we can learn from our complicated relationship with boredom.
An algorithm may allow doctors to assess PTSD candidates for early intervention after traumatic ER visits.