Only 3% of physics graduates and 2% of astronomy graduates are Black. That’s got to change. In the late 1990s, about 5% of the approximately 4000 bachelor’s degrees in physics per […]
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A new study says that it could be centuries before millions of the classic toys submerged in the Earth’s seas disintegrate.
The problem is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and the decision is all up to SpaceX whether they’ll fix it. On Wednesday morning, January 29, 2020, […]
A decade ago, we didn’t know if dwarf galaxies had black holes. Today, half of the ones we see aren’t where we expected. Normally, galaxies have supermassive black holes millions […]
A new Harvard study finds that the language you use affects patient outcome.
We all share atoms with every person, living or dead, on Earth. There’s more in common among us than you might think. When you eat food, drink liquids, or even breathe […]
Are space and time real like atoms are, or is spacetime just a calculational tool? When most of us think about the Universe, we think about the material objects that […]
Parenting could be a distraction from what mattered most to him: his writing.
Combining various mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) can have numerous health benefits, according to new research.
Even though it was the crowning achievement of Einstein’s career, he was only a small part of the full story. If you were a physicist in the early 20th century, there […]
Sophists used rhetoric and debate to arrive at practical truths.
According to Harvard economists, Democrats and Republicans both perceive reality very wrong.
A team of scientists created a new type of robot inspired by an octopus, and it could be a major breakthrough in the field.
Preventable deaths for all five leading mortality causes are “consistently higher” in rural communities.
E-cigarettes might possibly be safer than traditional cigarettes, but they come with their own risks.
Traveling interstellar distances in human lifetimes is an amazing dream, but it won’t ever be achieved like this. For centuries, ever since we realized that every star we can see in […]
Scholars often debate risking their livelihoods and personal safety in order to conduct research in certain areas.
We cannot give in to fear, but we cannot be reckless when the lives and health of so many are at stake. There is a novel infectious disease that is currently […]
The fast-food company recently agreed to acquire a tech company whose “speech-to-meaning” technology might soon be interpreting customers’ orders.
Millennial income did not recover from the Great Recession like older generations’, a disparity that can have dire consequences for future generations.
About 97.5 percent of people who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days, according to the new study.
After the Big Bang, merging supermassive black holes are unparalleled. Here’s how we’ll find the first one. Last week, NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory made history by announcing the most energetic explosive […]
Healthy Housing Foundation has purchased four properties in Los Angeles, with more planned.
The semiautonomous could help to protect officers, but some are concerned about how exactly police plan to use it.
Artificial intelligence has proven equal and even better than humans in making some diagnoses.
Doomsday prophesies have never once come to pass, but they’ve never had science on their side like this before. Every year, the Earth completes an orbital revolution around the Sun, returning […]
It would be the ultimate method for solving our pollution or hazardous/radioactive waste problems, but we’ll never do it. Here’s why. Imagine our planet as it was for the first 4.55 […]
Journeys of discovery and wonder in the inner and outer world.
Can a real pandemic (such as COVID-19) turn into mass hysteria?