New York has the same GDP as Canada, Los Angeles makes as much money in a year as Australia
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You searched for: Richard Hoffman
Clashes between “antifa” on the far left and the alt-right have intensified.
A new study reveals the positive effect being vegetarian can have on the production of greenhouse gases.
The jawbone scanned in the study is the oldest hominin fossil ever found.
What did Nikola Tesla or Bertrand Russell think of fewer working hours? Can a good life only come from work — and if so how much of it, and what kind?
Hitler appeared to have been highly sensitive to disgust, and research shows this trait is linked to numerous dimensions of ideology.
Researchers plan on making human cells resistant to infection, radiation, and even cancer.
Recent research suggests what we thought we knew about social trust judgements may be all wrong.
It may be possible to treat eczema with a super-effective ointment made from your own microbes.
Personifying certain drugs as evil while calling opioid users “victims” points a glaring spotlight on drug policies that aren’t really about public health.
British doctors eliminate the disease in two infants with incurable cancer by utilizing a medical first gene-editing techniques.
Here’s how the government improves your life without you knowing it.
8 min
Albert Einstein shared his thoughts on the meaning of life and his own spiritual views.
Scarcely noticed in the Eden story, there lurk fruitful scientific ideas about why biology generated morality.
The “Philosopher-King” of comedy is Louis C.K. You may know his work, but you might not realize there is some serious philosophy behind some of the best jokes.
There is one essential ingredient missing, argues historian Yuval Noah Harari.
We’re at risk of mistaking the music for the piano in using a “jump to the gene” approach to biology. It’s time for a more fitting view of genes to evolve.
Only two things will change the minds of science skeptics: appeals to their ego, or their wallets.
5 min
The 24/7 nudge economy is emerging. Once-quiet appliances that waited for you to push their buttons are now pushing yours.
Creating a race of super soldiers is off the table, too.
Classical neurology defines consciousness as the ongoing process of arousal and awareness.
What would it take to adopt a basic income? Frank Stilwell, a Professor Emeritus in Political Economy at the University of Sydney, explains the pros and cons.
In eleven states the number of nonmedical exemptions are increasing.
A handful of noble families own large tracts of the British capital – and have done so for centuries
The Middle Ages see a resurgence of interest among the alt-right and some conservative thinkers.
Schrodinger’s cat is one of the most famous thought experiments of all time, but what does it mean for science, and what happens to the poor cat?
Trees are far from dumb; they talk and share, because they need each other to live better lives.
Why does Jim Gaffigan tell clean jokes? Jesus Christ told him to, obviously. The real reason, which Gaffigan explains here, takes him through the history of comedy and satire in American.
6 min
So far, 549 separate paraphilias have been officially identified.
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