Mathematicians are working to combat partisan gerrymandering.
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Historian Alfred McCoy explains why American power is coming to an end and lays out his vision for the new global order.
How the gravitational Casimir effect might cause our Universe’s accelerated expansion, without any new physics at all. “For although it is certainly true that quantitative measurements are of great importance, it […]
Participants receiving brain stimulation were more likely to solve difficult problems creatively.
Where are the four “horsewomen” of new atheism? Well, here are two of them, secular scholars Rebecca Goldstein and Susan Jacoby.
“We’re coming to understand the basic building blocks of personality,” Dr. Fisher said.
How can we solve a problem like Malaria? One doctor has an idea: send in the mathematicians.
Seemingly impractical things include pleasure reading, an overactive imagination, and the liberal arts. Each is commonly derided by all too practical people. Each is vital to us all.
There are four main traits of temperament and two subsets of each. Which are you?
Few see how strongly science’s preferred languages shape and limit the thinking of many experts.
Evolution exists and exerts itself in a different way than gravity does… because natural selection is an “algorithmic force.”
The atoms, planets, stars, and even galaxies aren’t expanding, even though space is. How come? This article was written by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in quantum gravity […]
Where gravity comes from has been an utter mystery. String theory offers an explanation.
A new nonprofit organization aims to elect more scientists to the U.S government.
Kellyanne Conway’s recent appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, where she used the dystopian-sounding phrase “alternative facts,” sounded eerily similar to George Orwell’s 1984 concept of newspeak and doublethink.
Amazon introduces a monthly STEM toy subscription box aimed at kids – because we’re all born curious.
“Human ambitions have no limits,” the Sheikh announcing the project said.
Interpersonal skills are a prerequisite for harnessing outside-the-box thinking on behalf of others, and they’re just as important as math, science and technology training.
Constant? Not-a-constant? Or is there a fundamental flaw in the way we’re doing business? This article was written by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in quantum gravity […]
If even black holes won’t last forever, what will happen when the last one goes? “My discovery that black holes emit radiation raised serious problems of consistency with the rest of […]
The US Air Force’s Space Horizons Team wants to juice America’s space program. Here’s how.
New report has some surprising findings when it comes to the gender pay gap.
Physicists finds evidence from just after the Big Bang that supports the controversial holographic universe theory.
Are we living in a simulation? Theoretical physicist Brian Greene and Neil deGrasse Tyson walk us through the ideas, which might support this fantastic and unnerving concept.
Can robots tell stories? In a way, yes. We’re far more likely to see robot nursery rhymes than a robot Shakespeare.
When companies hide algorithms from public view, the data are used for destructive purposes, warns Cathy O’Neil in her new book.
You really do have to know when to hold ’em, and know when to fold ’em, and most of the time trusting your gut is a copout, says poker champion Liv Boeree.
4 min
Its 18 large, segmented golden mirrors aren’t even the whole story. But how much gold is really in there? “Hey, if our eyes could access the infrared part of the light […]
The philosopher believed we craved for something less pleasant.