The quest for the ultimate vacuum just got taken to the next level thanks to a new technique: the quantum squeezer. One of the most understated frontiers in all of […]
Even extremely simple configurations in General Relativity cannot be solved exactly. Here’s the science of why. It’s difficult to appreciate how revolutionary of a transformation it is to consider the Universe […]
The answer has nothing at all to do with the Higgs boson. In this Universe, there are very few fundamental properties that cannot be derived from something simpler. The rules governing […]
The potential of blockchain might have been ruined for you by your unemployed cousin who wears Balenciagas to Thanksgiving dinner and told you to enter into the cryptocurrency market at […]
Computer art does not rival human art. Rather, art created by artificial intelligence is at once a compliment to the human brain, and a corollary to the achievements of oil paintings and classical music.