It’s hard to quantify what it means to be good, but this framework takes a stab at breaking down what makes people behave nicely.
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You searched for: Big Think
What can 3D printing do for medicine? The “sky is the limit,” says Northwell Health researcher Dr. Todd Goldstein.
The Universe is expanding, but we, our planet, solar system and galaxy all aren’t. Here’s why. Take a look out at almost any galaxy in the Universe, and you’ll find it’s […]
Amongst other things, you can’t get away with handling a salmon suspiciously in Scotland.
The Oxfam report prompted Anand Giridharadas to tweet: “Don’t be Pinkered into everything’s-getting-better complacency.”
Philosophers can be pretty eccentric. Here we list seven of the most out there. Yes, Diogenes is included.
Yes, life exists in our Universe. No, that statement doesn’t equal science. Imagine you’ve encountered a natural phenomenon you want to understand better, but don’t have the tools to do so. […]
Design thinking is the art of implementing elements from a “designer’s toolkit” to create innovative solutions and systems. When applied the right way, it can offer considerable benefits.
When crows and ravens fight, it’s the smaller crows being the aggressor about 97% of the time. It may be them being protective of their nest or it may be competition, but ravens are the ones being bullied.
Bending, breaking, & blending: How humans remake the world. Neuroscientist David Eagleman on creativity.
A new study asserts that liberals and conservatives alike equally disdain hateful comments online, but only when they’re written by women.
Voter turnout in the United States is pretty low compared to other industrialized countries. While the 2016 US presidential election saw a 56% turnout rate, the 2017 general election in […]
We assume that life is ubiquitous in the Universe. But what if it’s just us? When it comes to the question of extraterrestrial life, humans optimistically assume the Universe is prolific. […]
The American Museum of Natural History presents the new, more accurate T. rex.
Hawking, who died in March, answers questions like “Is there a God?” and “Is time travel possible?” in his final book, which is available today.
Does opening up a relationship to new sexual playmates strengthen the bond between a committed pair, or, does doing so compromise it?
The modern ocean can be a dangerous place for whales.
A single thought experiment reveals a paradox. Could quantum gravity be the solution? Sometimes, if you want to understand how nature truly works, you need to break things down to […]
The only other large galaxy in the local group is larger in size and has more stars. But mass? Perhaps we’re the biggest, after all. The Milky Way is home to […]
In an increasingly global and connected world, cultural diversity and inclusion are of great importance. While many organizations realize the role an effective diversity training program can play, there is […]
If dark matter doesn’t interact with normal matter or light, how can it be heated up? One of the great cosmic mysteries of our time is the presence and existence of […]
What’s a real leader anyway? Harvard historian Nancy Koehn mines history for some answers.
For billions of years, dark energy couldn’t have been detected. Now, it’s everywhere we look. When we look out at the ultra-distant Universe, billion of light-years away, we’re seeing it as […]
In theory, we could use high-energy lasers to make our own artificial black holes, potentially capturing the enormous energy they emit.
Many of the world’s favorite records weren’t really recorded by the artist on the label.
As more data comes in, the puzzle gets deeper and deeper. Whenever you set out to solve a problem, there are a series of steps you have to take in order […]
Practical philosopher Andrew Taggart talks about what is an excellent human life, what are the first steps to achieving it and what a society without work looks like.
Is Google’s moral compass broken?
Investor, advisor and author Tim Ferriss says that often times the smartest questions are the “dumbest” — the ones that no one asks because they are afraid of being shamed. In a […]
The National Institutes of Health recently began a $300-million study to examine the effects of screen time on developing brains.