Before he “jumped ship to the useless, unemployable arts”, young Salman wanted to be a physicist. This and more on Big Think’s weekly podcast, Think Again.
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We can all rattle off a few Greek philosophers to win a trivia prize, but how many Golden Age philosophers are you familiar with? Here’s a primer.
Experimental philosopher Jonathan Keats dives into the work of Buckminster Fuller, an early 20th century oddball scientist whose visionary ideas we are only now catching up to.
6 min
Looking at how our technology and culture compare to Star Trek’s vision of the future.
You know what self-driving cars will help reduce? Phantom traffic jams. You know the ones, where traffic seems to just halt. You see no accidents, no construction, no state trooper—everything has just slowed for what seems like no reason at all.
When our imaginations run wild, it’s important to remember that’s our fault, not the data’s. “Otherwise we are trying to communicate with someone who doesn’t exist with a system which doesn’t […]
The darkness we see from Earth can never be 100% dark. “All I want is blackness. Blackness and silence.” –Sylvia Plath If you take a look at the night sky […]
Wilt Chamberlain dominated basketball. Yet given the chance to improve one critical element of his game, he let popular opinion override physics.
How Costa Rica achieved 100% renewable energy, and what it means.
Studies confirm that having experiences makes us happier than material possessions.
Professional women are at a disadvantage due to what’s called “the confidence gap,” an idea popularized by Claire Shipman and Katty Kay. Shine is a new company that seeks to close that gap one text message at a time.
Ontological design is way cool.
If you thought the Kuiper belt was just icy worlds of various sizes orbiting like Pluto, think again. “There have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times, and this […]
Big Think+ is a video-driven platform that catalyzes happiness and performance in professional environments by cultivating leadership, creativity, and self-knowledge. Learn more at
1 min
Experimentation-out-of-love is often inefficient and hard to measure. It isn’t always “solution-oriented.” But it’s as necessary and natural to us as breathing, and all too easily swept under the rug.
Each might be as heavy as an asteroid and as tiny as a decimal point.
Before the Big Bang… after the Big Freeze… will everything look the same? “What is wild cannot be bought or sold, borrowed or copied. It is. Unmistakeable, unforgettable, unshamable, elemental as […]
A learning collaboration between Pixar and Khan Academy helps aspiring animators familiarize themselves with the basics of the craft. The free course is called Pixar in A Box.
In Netflix’s “Stranger Things” characters enter a parallel dimension. Could this actually happen?
Norway announced plans this week to construct a system of cycleways safely connecting nine of its biggest cities to outer suburbs. The project is estimated to cost just under $1 billion and is part of a broader transportation initiative to be completed by 2030.
Just the thought of money causes your brain to react in ways similar to being high on cocaine.
5 min
Disagreements over income inequality are always present in democracies, but at times the topic submerges. Today, the topic has reemerged and is driving the next presidential election.
4 min
Take a deep breath, you’re in for a ride. Here is Penn Jillette on Libertarianism, taxes, Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Gary Johnson, sex, drugs and Kurt Cobain.
18 min
A Spanish collective has transformed an old abandoned church into La Iglesia Skate: a modern skatepark and cultural center, complete with a brand-new paint job by renowned interior artist Okuda San Miguel.
It’s more than a conclusion that most scientists agree on; it’s the basis for all the science we do now! “Those who know that the consensus of many centuries has sanctioned […]
Part art installation, part green design. Completely cool.
The explosive success on Pokémon Go ushers in an age of augmented reality that will change us.
Designed by Uruguayan-born, New York-based architect Rafael Viñoly, the new Laguna Garzón Bridge aims to reduce the speed of crossing cars and encourage drivers to enjoy the view.
And could every black hole our Universe creates give rise to a baby Universe itself? “Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope,tied between beast and overman — a rope […]
The self-driving car is the future of personal transportation. Wireless charging is the future of battery-powered devices. Marrying the two technologies makes sense.