This isn’t an XZibit joke; it’s a real scientific question. And the answer may be that it’s possible after all. “People who work every day are kind of scared of things […]
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You searched for: Big Think
What kind of madman would run a business on the mindset that all attempts to fail must be made as quickly as possible, as only then could they succeed? Meet Dr. Astro Teller.
This election has scored high for entertainment value, but it’s put our humanity through the mill. Comedian Jim Gaffigan is here to talk some sense back into us as people, rather than voters.
6 min
Now we know, on every scale. “There is no such thing as perpetual tranquillity of mind while we live here; because life itself is but motion, and can never be without […]
Journalist Eric Schlosser reports that the president isn’t actually the only American who can launch a nuclear attack all by himself or with one other person.
Two billionaires are apparently funding research into how we can escape the simulation they believe we’re trapped in.
The Grammy-nominated comedian on mean jokes, bigotry, courage, and bringing light vs. darkness into the world.
Skeptic John Horgan identifies new theories of matter and the universe that reveal human narcissism.
People tend to believe that learning in the style they feel best suited to makes them soak up information more efficiently. This study debunks that belief.
Want humans to go to the Moon or Mars? Then let’s stop wasting time and resources and go do it! “We had this whole big beautiful place for discovery, and all […]
The US Air Force’s Space Horizons Team wants to juice America’s space program. Here’s how.
Mindfulness mediation has many benefits, but to focus on the benefits is to miss the point of mindfulness.
America’s most popular conspiracy theories and the science behind them.
And just what did come before — way before — the Big Bang? “We are part of the universe that has developed a remarkable ability: We can hold an image of the world in our […]
Earners keepers? According to Larry Kudlow, there’s a secret history behind the US’s history of tax reduction and it involves John F. Kennedy.
11 min
On this week’s episode of Think Again, comedian Chris Gethard talks about authenticity and the hunger for small communities in the age of Big Internet.
The distinction between the online world and real life is thinner than we imagine. So when comment trolls run rampant, our national discourse cannot help but be changed.
4 min
Just like alcohol, nicotine and other narcotics, sugar tickles our dopamine receptors in just the right way, inspiring our brain’s reward system. How will this end for us?
Physicists finds evidence from just after the Big Bang that supports the controversial holographic universe theory.
Did they perform their analysis sub-optimally? Maybe. But gravitational waves were seen no matter what. “We hope that interested people will repeat our calculations and will make up their own minds […]
Bob Dylan finally presents his Nobel prize acceptance speech.
The “Philosopher-King” of comedy is Louis C.K. You may know his work, but you might not realize there is some serious philosophy behind some of the best jokes.
Sean Curry takes aim at the rapidly evolving “gourmet” food industry that is warping our expectations, mindsets and first-world privilege to a scary new level.
1 in 3 people over the age of 65 live alone in the United States, and by age 85 it’s 1 in 2. Loneliness is an epidemic. Here’s how to fight it.
According to Dr. Rachel Salas of John Hopkins University, making a few simple adjustments to how your bedroom is arranged can yield better sleep.
A new study explains why and how people choose to avoid information and when that strategy could be beneficial.
YOU get a poster, and YOU get a poster, and YOU get a poster!
Revenge, Hallucinogens, and a spontaneous William Blake Smackdown
Any story we tell of our species, any science of human nature, that ignores how important stories are in shaping what and how we think and feel is false. We evolved to be ultra-social (and self-deficient), so we care deeply about character and plot.
So far, 549 separate paraphilias have been officially identified.