The coronavirus pandemic has brought out the perception of selfishness among many.
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Parenting could be a distraction from what mattered most to him: his writing.
Scientists uncovered the secrets of what drove some of the world’s last remaining woolly mammoths to extinction.
These new status behaviours are what one expert calls ‘inconspicuous consumption’.
Ever want to smell like an astronaut? Now you can!
Animals are adapting all the time these days to stay out of our way.
In his book with Richard Clarke, “Warnings,” Eddy made clear this was inevitable.
It’s perhaps the most famous thought experiment in all of physics, but is full of popular myths and misconceptions. One of the most bizarre ideas about the quantum Universe is […]
With the most common form of female sexual dysfunction impacting 1 in 10 women, this important study dives into how to keep a relationship going despite having different needs and wants in the bedroom.
Manly Bands wanted to improve on mens’ wedding bands. Mission accomplished.
The proposal calls for the American public to draft two candidates to lead the executive branch: one from the center-left, the other from the center-right.
The Omni Calculator site is a stunning treasure trove of free calculators.
Light cannot escape from a black hole, no matter what. But when two black holes merge? They just might. On September 14, 2015, history was made as the NSF’s twin LIGO […]
Iranian Tolkien scholar finds intriguing parallels between subcontinental geography and famous map of Middle-earth.
The ocean’s largest shark relies on vision more than previously believed.
A gigantic star makes off during an eight-year gap in observations.
Recent studies suggest virtual reality porn can produce a more positive experience than viewing from a monitor or screen.
It contains more water than all the Great Lakes combined, and the science of our planet explains why. Although practically all of Earth’s human population lives on dry land, our surface […]
The European Union agreed on a list of 15 countries that would be allowed to travel in its bloc. U.S. citizens were not on it.
Watch as the small mirror joins millions of other pieces of space junk currently orbiting the planet.
Researchers at University College London link waist circumference with dementia.
Exploring how a small change in your DNA sequence can make you a natural blonde.
CERN’s bold new proposal has physicists confronting the biggest question of all: is building a new collider worth it? If you want to discover anything novel about the natural, physical […]
According to a licensed clinical psychologist, we need to change the way we define narcissism in order to recognize it more clearly for what it really is.
A new study pushes back on psychiatry industry talking points.
The banality-of-evil thesis was a flashpoint for controversy.
Without a little help from Einstein, we couldn’t have made this discovery. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, currently celebrating its 30th anniversary, still churns out novel discoveries. The Hubble eXtreme Deep […]
Help future Mars rovers better navigate the red planet’s treacherous terrain.
Seldom are these conversations actually anti-racist.
Monuments are under attack in America. How far should we go in re-examining our history?