When everything passes away, what will be left? “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of […]
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The Icelandic prison system is about to welcome the 26th banker responsible for the 2008 financial meltdown.
Where do we learn what matters? Are new forces crowding out the old sources of stories that shape us?
Fear of invasion is a recurring theme in Australian history.
Star Trek’s ideal view of medicine is closer than we think.
Should you check yourself before you bedeck yourself?
Lab-grown meat will be on our plates sooner than we may realize.
Will we stick around for eternity? Or someday decay away? “I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end […]
It’s easy to forget everyone isn’t represented on the “worldwide” web.
There is a modern backlash against the pursuit of knowledge, and here is why that is absurd.
Excavators found the bones of an ancient warrior surrounded by “lots of bling,” bronze weapons, and — interestingly enough — several vanity items such as a mirror and six combs.
If we have serious ambitions to live on Mars, it might be.
The origin of life is one of the biggest open questions. Could it all have started before our planet was even born? “When you arise in the morning, think of […]
Let’s talk about the facts, which include why you totally can eat bacon.
Teachers reinforce that making mistakes will get you a dunce cap. Shouldn’t it be getting you a gold star instead?
American stuff is the stuff of American history, as recorded in still life painting.
If I were to say that “crocodiles sleep with their eyes closed,” and then a week later ask you if “crocodiles sleep with their eyes open,” what would you say? The answer might surprise you.
Cancer is the scariest disease, but not all causes of cancer frighten us equally.
Morocco is turning innovative ideas into action as the rest of the world watches.
Musk shows no signs of letting his brilliant madness die.
We often conflate the words ‘compassion’ and ’empathy’ but they have different meanings for a very important reason.
Supernova remnants return the insides of exploded stars back to the Universe, making things like us possible. “No matter how ‘normal’ people look, living ‘ordinary’ lives, everyone has a story […]
Carve these frighteningly costumed versions of Einstein, Curie and other famous physicists thanks to Fermilab! “It’s said that All Hallows’ Eve is one of the nights when the veil between […]
A report by the WHO has named bacon and other processed meats as bad for you as cigarettes, alcohol, and asbestos.
Skeptic Michael Shermer presents ten major arguments for the existence of God — and counters each one.
America’s interstate system is the path toward year-round temperature comfort.
Even the cosmic home where our Solar System resides will someday meet it’s demise. But how? “Unless one says goodbye to what one loves, and unless one travels to completely new […]
This is particularly the case among males.