In Queer Virtue, gay Episcopal priest Elizabeth M. Edman argues for a new take on this old religion.
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Demagoguery, colonizing Mars, and the perpetual pendulum of party politics. Princeton Historian Sean Wilentz on the Think Again podcast
Australian researchers have found that fiber can help lessen the reaction to food allergies, and even cure a person of them.
Big Think teams up with Hyper, a new premium video app that curates 10 videos each day, with no buffering or data depletion.
Henry Rollins talks about how fear of winding up starting in The America drove his to his remarkable career.
The massive black holes that formed LIGO’s first event were a surprise, and then a mystery. Here’s the long-awaited solution! “Black holes can bang against space-time as mallets on a […]
Michio Kaku tells the story of one super-scary mistake in physics and reminds us how hard it is to get science right.
Neil deGrasse Tyson proposed an ideal form of government and caused a viral debate.
The U.K. has voted to leave the European Union, but here are the scenarios in which it stays in.
A new method has been shown effective in halting, even reversing Alzheimer’s in 10 early-stage patients.
The gun industry is in the business of selling its products. Exploiting our belief system is part of its corporate model.
And the wisdom from an exclusive interview with Larry Niven. Ever since humanity had the thought that the distant, twinkling stars might be Suns like our own, with their own planetary […]
Now that LIGO’s found two pairs of merging black holes, what does the future hold? “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to […]
Many of our best U.S presidents qualify as psychopaths, while Hitler doesn’t.
The New York Times claimed that aliens must have existed at some point. But science is less certain. “There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve […]
Plato wasn’t worried that democracy tended to lead to Donald Trump-style tyranny (despite what Andrew Sullivan claims). Here’s what he was really concerned about.
The faithless and feminine have taken control over the battle of the Seven Kingdoms.
Over 300,000 light years long, a new record! “Mozart’s music is like an X-ray of your soul — it shows what is there, and what isn’t.” –Isaac Stern From 500 million light years […]
A new study highlights the new ethical dilemmas caused by the rise of robotic and autonomous technology, like self-driving cars.
Studies have shown that the placebo effect can be used to alleviate pain and other symptoms. Yet, how to harness it in an ethical manner has been difficult to discern.
Email takes up a lot of our time and often results in little real work getting done at the end of the work day. Many enterprises are finding the less it’s used, the less time gets wasted. Productivity goes up and stress goes down.
Chefs may be able to start drafting a menu for Mars-bound astronauts. A group of Dutch scientists have found radishes, peas, rye, and tomatoes may take root in Martian soil.
One writer’s journey through a video game that can only be completed by writing.
Their thoughts were more complex than either side of the gun control / gun rights issue acknowledges.
They’re not just for dogs and cats to lay in; there’s a real, physical story behind them! “The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments […]
Richard Gleick talks about one vital trait geniuses all seem to share.
Ricky Gervais explains how he stopped believing in God and how to be Christian without God or religion.
Intuition is not a mystical realm of psychology, but rather unconscious pattern recognition.
It doesn’t interact with normal matter hardly at all, and yet it may be necessary for life itself. “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” –Joseph Campbell Dark […]
Science authorities in the United Kingdom are now worried that the country may lose up to $1.4 billion annually in science funding that flows from the European Union.