After years of their anti-drug rules going unenforced, recent revelations have caused the ESL to take action.
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[A Top 15 Podcast on iTunes!] We surprise the world’s brightest minds with ideas they’re totally unprepared to discuss. This week on Big Think’s podcast, we’re joined by renowned physicist and author Brian Greene.
Drones are all the buzz today. They make the news regularly appearing everywhere and often where they don’t belong — baseball stadiums, concert stages and even the White House lawn. Is […]
Even the dead stars still shine today, and will for a long time. But they, too, will fade to black. “As the blackness of the night recedes so does the […]
Our neighborhoods play with our perceptions about the state of wealth, influencing our opinions on wealth politics.
“Teamwork is the signature adaptation of” humanity, says David Sloan Wilson. And our ancestors evolved ruthlessly cooperative means of ensuring productive social coordination.
Yesterday was an epic day: NASA’s Kepler mission announced the discovery of what they called “the most Earth-like planet ever,” the smallest planet ever found that orbits a Sun-like star […]
If you avoid the common errors of reasoning that lead large majorities of subjects to do the irrational thing on repeated experiments, you may justly gloat a little.
Researchers advanced the fields of social science by working together and peer reviewing the evidence. Couldn’t the same benefits be attained by treating religion in the same manner?
Before you tout the next exoplanet as “the most Earth-like ever,” ask whether that’s true, and whether that’s even a good thing. “You can spend too much time wondering which […]
Technology and old age are not typically in the same sentence, let alone discussion. However, the recent White House Conference on Aging highlighted the multiple opportunities to use technology as a force multiplier not just to live longer, but to live (and care) better.
It’s not the fault of the journalists, entirely. Researchers call for better tools to help keep sources safe and secure.
The Internet is a different beast altogether, and instead of catering to the interest of journalists, candidates can/must appeal to the masses.
The emotional support of a simple text may be enough to ease the pain of someone you hold dear.
After 24 hours without sleep, the brain begins to overestimate threat.
How the discovery of the first Pentaquark is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to new nuclear riches. “It was quite the most incredible event that has […]
Her decision to have a double mastectomy helped empower women — to let them know they aren’t entirely powerless against cancer.
What distinguishes real OCD from how it’s depicted in pop culture — a characteristic of someone’s perfectionist tendencies — is that sufferers respond to stimuli in the same way everyone else does.
A terrific story about the physical threat of a major earthquake in the Pacific Northwest fails to explain why people don’t seem alarmed. That lack of alarm puts the public at risk as much as the shaking Earth itself, and should be part of the story.
Jeremy Corbyn, the man who will take the Labour Party to the next British election, believes in homeopathy. Here’s why that matters.
Rather than showing people there’s nothing to be afraid of, researchers tried exposing patients to their trigger and introducing a neutral outcome.
Researchers have found men who throw sexist comments at women are reacting to an upset in their hierarchy, trying to retain their dominance.
Ironically, the more women have tried to free themselves from masculine norms of sexuality, the more they have adopted male sexual tendencies under the guise of sexual liberty.
The trouble with productivity as a value is that it treats a morally ambiguous act as a moral good. What, specifically, do we want to be producing more of?
Bruce Pon, the CEO and co-founder of ascribe, believes that creators should be at the center of the digital economy and that consumers, if provided with an easy and convenient way, will choose the option to reward the creators rather than pirate their work.
The odds against those with obesity aren’t good — not just in terms of health, but also in losing that weight gained.
Country-shaped birthmarks also exist outside of Wes Anderson movies.
When Microsoft’s Windows 10 is released next week in seven countries, each market will receive a specialized version of Cortana, the system’s digital personal assistant (and Microsoft’s answer to Siri). Microsoft has put yeoman’s work into making sure each country’s iteration of Cortana is sensitive to local cultural nuances.