Montana State Representative Joe Read doesn’t deny global warming is real. He just thinks it is we’re not causing it—and that it’s a good thing anyway. That’s why the Republican […]
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The situation in Bahrain is approaching a fever pitch, and the neighboring Saudis are expected to intervene to rescue the ruling Bahraini family and shore up the regime.
At this month’s Vanity Fair, best-selling author Michael Lewis chronicles Ireland’s collapse into the deepest recession of any European Union country. In a guest post today, my American University colleague […]
A: Soldiers dressed in civilian clothes, who were ordered into the street. Most people have assumed that many of the thugs beating back protesters every day in Sanaa have been […]
The day started off bad in Sanaa when students managed to beat GPC-paid thugs* to the area outside of Sanaa University. (Michelle Shephard details the day in an excellent report […]
Apple has levied a new tax on publishers who sell subscriptions through the Apple iTunes Store. Now, one new report suggests Apple is being investigated by two federal agencies.
The true worth of a film is no longer decided by the crowd that assembles in an American city. It is decided by youngsters in countries such as Russia, China and Brazil.
Congress has no chance of closing the budget gap unless lawmakers go to where the big money is: defense, entitlements and tax breaks. The defense budget is not sacred.
People confess under torture, or if they are mentally incapable of grasping the situation. But sometimes suspects who are perfectly healthy still confess to crimes they didn’t commit. Why?
An emerging field of neuroscience indicates that the endocannabinoid system may be more responsible for feelings of euphoria after exercise than endorphins.
Want to protect against the effects of Alzheimer’s? Learn another language. Recent brain research shows that bilingual people’s brains function better after developing the disease.
In the wake of the Palestine Papers and the Egyptian uprising the “peace process” as we know it is dead. The myth persists, however, of “the deal that almost was”.
It is time the scientific community became proactive in challenging misuse of scientific evidence. We must make evidence accessible and explicable, says the U.K.’s chief science advisor.
Facebook users with more friends suffer more stress and “neurotic limbo” from feeling they have to continually update and amuse their larger audiences, according to new research.
Why has the royal family of Bahrain allowed its soldiers to open fire at peaceful demonstrators? The heavy hand of Saudi Arabia may not be far away.
Brilliance in the morning: The New York Times had an absolutely wonderful op-ed today (some of you may have noticed that I have been strongly disagreeing with Victoria Clark’s piece […]
Fat is not necessarily bad for dieters, says the obesity expert.
The Party of Spite strikes again. The Republican-controlled House voted Friday to de-fund not only Planned Parenthood, but all Title X funds for clinics that perform abortions: If the resolution […]
Everyone knows someone that has been touched by cancer. Over one and a half million Americans will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in 2011, and more than 560,000 […]
By studying our nearest galactic neighbor Andromeda, astrophysicists can better understand how our own Milky Way galaxy formed 10 billion years ago.
THIS week a powerful section of Britain’s political class demonstrated beyond any remaining doubt that they now inhabit a parallel universe to the rest of us. For most people out […]
The experiences of transgendered men demonstrates that gender is still an issue in the workplace.
The week buzzed by … and we actually end with a bang (albeit a cloudy one). Dr. Boris Behncke brings us news that Etna seemed to have another eruption, however […]
The real challenge for Internet freedom? U.S. hypocrisy. And there’s no app for that. Secretary Clinton’s speech on Internet freedom didn’t address the U.S. and Internet oppression.
The war in Afghanistan is based on four lies, including the premise that NATO allies are there to fight international terrorism. Negotiating with the Taliban is the only solution.
Biology and the natural world are helping economists build new models to understand the dynamics of the financial sector and why the sub prime loan crisis caused so much damage.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is best treated with cognitive behavioural and graded exercise therapies, say British scientists writing in The Lancet. But some support groups disagree.
Morality is not like some kind of cosmic bank, where you can deposit good deeds and use them to offset future misdeeds. People ignore heroic pasts when assigning blame.
One way or another, it’s clear the food price bubble has reached crisis levels. But why hasn’t it reached America? And will the honeymoon soon be over?