And you thought red-light cameras were bad…
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Need to know how an election will turn out? Call your bookie.
The Green New Deal is an ambitious attempt to fight climate change, but is it destined to hit the political skids?
Air pollution is up to five times over the EU limit in these Central London hotspots.
White-nose syndrome is nearly as lethal to bats as the Black Plague was for humans.
This is what we’ve learned from first object ever discovered to enter our Solar System from interstellar space. Billions of years ago, our Solar System was an extraordinarily different place […]
Arranged marriages and Western romantic practices have more in common than we might think.
New research on the public’s opinion about genetically modified foods illustrates an alarming cognitive bias.
A new report says there’s not as much evidence of physical harm as you might think.
Business experts recommend transparency as a way to strengthen engagement by keeping employees in touch with the meaning and value of their work, and to help hold decision-makers accountable for […]
China’s Chang’e 4 biosphere experiment marks a first for humankind.
The Harvard psychologist loves reading authors’ rules for writing. Here are his own.
Stress affects everyone, but there’s something you can do about it.
Florida researchers offer schools a simple message: Send home report cards earlier in the week.
On January 20/21, half of Earth will experience a total lunar eclipse. For the first time in 19 years, this includes all of North and South America. When the Sun, Earth, […]
It marks a first for the U.S., where some 49,000 people died from opioids in 2018.
There’s a difference between having a harmonious passion and an obsessive one.
The report also predicts India’s economy will surpass the U.S. by 2030.
Regenerative capitalism challenges the belief that business success and environmental concerns are inherently at odds.
Is Tesla a car manufacturer or an energy company?
Talking about climate change doesn’t have to be an argument over Thanksgiving dinner. Some people, though maybe not all, can be persuaded.
A definition of death is surprisingly malleable, leading to complications when it comes to organ donation.
The American Psychological Association recently released guidelines for treating boys and men. Men aren’t happy about it.
The rise of anti-scientific thinking and conspiracy is a concerning trend.
Sometimes, chemistry can be more important for color than even physics. All across the world, volcanic eruptions remind us of the destructive power residing beneath Earth’s surface. You might be used […]
These photos of scientific heroes and accomplishments inspire awe and curiosity.
They’re positioned as they are for a good reason.
The dogs’ ability to recognise and process human faces surpasses even that of monkeys. This newly-identified brain region may be the reason why.