We can see light from the atoms in the Universe before the first stars form. And no, I don’t mean from the CMB! After the Big Bang, it took only a […]
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Happy birthday to Pluto, discovered on this day in 1930. Pluto, first discovered in 1930, was no more than a distant dot in our most powerful telescopes. Clyde Tombaugh’s original images […]
A new study of thousands links right-wing authoritarian attitudes and feeling one’s life is more meaningful.
Mindy Kaling, Taylor Swift, Oprah Winfrey, and more have learned a lot along the way.
A new study finds even simple, easy, appearance alterations fool people
A new study outlines why the tobacco and coal industries warrant “corporate death sentences.”
Scientists examined data from 20 years ago to reach a startling new conclusion.
It’s a rare occasion for orbits to align so perfectly. Enjoy the sights this Tuesday. On Tuesday, February 19th, the Moon will reach perigee, its closest point of approach to planet […]
Butter supply and life satisfaction are linked — but by causation or correlation?
The catacombs of Paris. Secret graffiti beneath NYC. The hidden cities of Cappadocia. Writer and explorer Will Hunt is your philosophical tour guide to what lies beneath.
It’s been over 100 years since Einstein, and over 300 since Newton. We’ve still got a long way to go. From measuring how objects fall on Earth to observing the motion […]
We may never have to get more than one flu shot again.
Numerous critics have called for the ban of the infamous instruction manual for violent civil disobedience.
For the Japanese in World War II, surrender was unthinkable. So unthinkable that many soldiers continued to fight even after the island nation eventually did surrender.
Anxious? Dr. Frankl suggested you take a different view of things.
The brains of two genetically edited babies born last year in China might have enhanced memory and cognition, but that doesn’t mean the scientific community is pleased.
The fierce debate over participation trophies ignores a crucial fact: Children aren’t idiots.
Advances in satellite imagery are shining a light.
Who were the most divisive Americans?
If dark matter doesn’t interact with normal matter or light, how can it be heated up? One of the great cosmic mysteries of our time is the presence and existence of […]
A parlor-trick mystery explained at last.
The Megachile pluto is about four times the size of a honeybee.
An autistic woman, Judy Singer, coined the term ‘neurodiversity’ in her 1988 thesis as a label for the unique contribution made to the world by people whose brains are wired […]
A primer on the infinite of knowledge waiting to be learned.
From billions of miles away, a faint, single pixel shows us how precious and alone Earth truly is. There are people alive today who can remember a time where no human-made […]
If you have a strong imagination, this won’t help you with academic study.
An emphasis on personal responsibility might explain why conservatives tend to be in better physical health than liberals.
A new book on the music distribution service claims it is.