The rise of China. The power of Russia. The spread of ISIS. Are Western values (i.e. democracy, human rights, and popular sovereignty) losing their influence in the world?
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Mark Zuckerberg flip-flops on a feature he once described as not “socially valuable.”
Carly Fiorina is rising in the polls and raising Donald Trump’s ire, likely resulting in a Rock-Em-Sock-Em Robot Edition of the GOP debates.
First-of-its-kind CO2 air-capture demo plant is about to be completed in Canada.
Lately, we’ve become so infatuated with creating the next big thing, rushing headlong into crafting new technologies that we’ve neglected to think through the ethics of it. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should.
Your grandparents got way more nutrition out of their vegetables.
“I don’t think that anything that’s really creative can be done without danger and risk.”
Seeking to right past wrongs and bring privacy back into the hands of the people.
Stephen Colbert compared binging on Trump jokes to binging on Oreos — but are we the ones over-indulging in Trumpapolooza?
Twenty-one strangers with different values and views, thrown together on a Grand Canyon rafting trip, managed to set aside those differences and build community.
Europe is scrambling to find any solution besides accepting displaced people, but with 4 million refugees and growing, the problem is beyond containing it to Syria and the region.
So far, the White House has promised to allow 10,000 Syrians into the country, but that’s a far cry from Turkey’s already 2 million.
We’re not living in the most discourse-friendly age in history. Nowhere is that more clear than in comments sections.
The most spectacular satellite system of any known planet, Saturn’s Rings are a sight like no other. “This then, I thought, as I looked round about me, is the representation […]
So there is a Nazi train hidden in a tunnel somewhere in southwest Poland. Or is there?
Tired of wires, breadboards and the traditional electrical mess? Try drawing your electrical path instead! “Drawing is not only a way to come up with pictures: drawing is a way […]
Neil Young will be speaking at The Nantucket Project, a festival ofideas happening September 24 – 27 on Nantucket, Massachusetts.
For an affluent Western country, the United States has an usually high proportion of its people living in warm-to-tropical climates, which are breeding grounds for parasites.
Researchers at the University College of London think they’ve found a link between human growth hormone and the development of the neurodegenerative disease.
Rupert Murdoch now owns 73 percent of National Geographic. What does this mean for the organization’s future?
Pulling an all-nighter and then driving home is like hopping behind the wheel after pounding drinks at the bar.
Using technology is like having sex. We like the fun, the feelings, and the connection with others. But if aren’t mindful of downstream consequences like having babies, spreading disease, and dealing with psycho ex-lovers, we can end up in situations that we never anticipated.
Is looking for radio transmissions in space like claiming the lack of smoke signals means there are no modern humans? “[W]hat Fermi immediately realized was that the aliens have had […]
Many of us need to share where we were on 9/11, and telling our story may be the best way for us to heal.
Thanks, New Horizons. You’re our favorite deep-space, Pluto-passing probe.
Researchers are looking for signs of life in different places: in their destruction, like that of a nuclear apocalypse.
Mental effort is contagious.
The sleep of reason brings forth monsters. So does the sleep of imagination.
Dark matter makes up the vast majority of mass in the Universe, and most of it is unknown. But not all of it. “A cosmic mystery of immense proportions, once […]
If there’s only one Higgs, no unexpected decays and no new fundamental, heavy particles, it might all be over. “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All […]