His greatest speeches were loaded with empathy.
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You searched for: Thomas Adam
Thomas Edison was on to something…
“The Big Map of Who Lived When” plots the lifespans of historical figures — from Eminem all the way back to Genghis Khan.
Why would someone who has spent their entire career following orders become a great leader overnight?
Here’s the case for why science can’t keep ignoring human experience.
This collection of learning and development quotes serves as a reminder of the meaning and purpose behind this important work.
A recently identified stage of sleep common to narcoleptics is a fertile source of creativity.
Gravitation, all on its own, can reveal what’s present in the cosmos like nothing else.
The popular game has a backstory rife with segregation, inequality, intellectual theft, and outlandish political theories.
Socrates is considered the “Father of Western Philosophy,” but perhaps that honorific should go to Plato.
Society-changing ideas form through a three-stage process, argues author Michael Bhaskar.
Bernini created art for 8 different popes. In the process, he helped reinforce and redefine Christianity’s visual culture.
Love him or hate, Karl Marx redefined geopolitics and shook up the world order.
The opening lines of Smartmatic’s $2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox News lay bare the culture of denial in the US.
“The Expanse” is the best vision I’ve ever seen of a space-faring future that may be just a few generations away.
To war is human – and Neanderthals were very like us.
Trump is #45 but Pence is #48 – and other strange consequences of the curious office of vice president.
From the Aquinas viewpoint, it was both a human and divine process.
Sure, Epicureans focused on seeking pleasure – but they also did so much more.
“Brasilia, the biggest paper town ever.”
It marks a first for the U.S., where some 49,000 people died from opioids in 2018.
Why the effects of aging are detrimental to being the U.S. president.
The story of John Couch Adams, “the man who failed to discover Neptune,” and his cosmic redemption. Perhaps its human nature to want to only think positive thoughts about our […]
There is a more accurate date for when American independence from Great Britain was declared.
The line between science and pseudoscience is imperceptible to most. Here’s how you can catch it in yourself. When it comes to science, the first principle is that you must […]
People have debated what justice is exactly for the last 3,000 years. How have our ideas changed in that time?
In an immersive virtual environment, what will it be like to kill?
The world today is far more complex than it was 200 years ago, but the speeches and writings of the Founding Fathers point to a common general principle.
By training algorithms on human data, they learn our biases.
An anthropologist and a theologian walk into a room. The punchline is wise and wonderful.